Victoria Gold Corp

Victoria’s transformation and growth has been significant over the past twelve months, including the completion of two major corporate transactions adding a total of 4.4 million ounces of gold that are National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) compliant to the Company, and successfully completing the Phase 1 drill campaign at the Helen Zone located at the Cove project in Nevada, USA.
in response to jjissel's message

JJ - I am not so sure that you are correct on this...but, OK, it could well be that KR1 - which is the first shot at a new target on an unfamiliar property MAY have come up empty...but in any conversation, sometimes NO is as good an answer as YES.

Given the knowledge base of VIT GEO team...they know that there is a target somewhere in there - and if they don't hit it with the first shot - then they can see from the core info from that miss where, most likely, they will have success on the second or third. It is all approximations towards a goal - and I would rather have Raul doing the steering than almost anybody else that I can think of. Think of all the holes (60+) that came up dry for NEM at Cove before VIT put Raul on the case!

Our problem - and it IS our problem - is that we get so frantic for news - and our expectations are so high, that we forget what a game of hide and seek this is. I want success (excess, actually!) as much as the next guy - but I couldn't do it any better than our team.

Anyway, no slight intended - but we all have to cool our jets a bit and let the pros work.


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