Victoria Gold Corp

Victoria’s transformation and growth has been significant over the past twelve months, including the completion of two major corporate transactions adding a total of 4.4 million ounces of gold that are National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) compliant to the Company, and successfully completing the Phase 1 drill campaign at the Helen Zone located at the Cove project in Nevada, USA.
in response to langosta's message

well we know that chad Williams has at least 1.6 million shares ( 800,000 warrants too) from his out of pocket recent buy....options too.

john McConnell bought 500,000 shares ( has 250,000 warrants) out of his pocket and what, 800,000 in options?

others have shares, options and warrants....

just those two transactions of john 500,000 and chad 1.6 mil.......thats 2.1 mil right there.

since a lot of the compensation is in options most will not work for a company that will not be in the option money. Do you realize how much money chad made per year as one of the worlds top mining analysts? and what he gets paid now in actual salary???? i can tell you it is about 1/10th of what he made. he did not leave that esteemed job to play house for fake money and he should know how to pick a miner with potential. He works some amazing long hours here, the most he ever has. the geos? they could pick there own ticket at any miner around ( Raul and Marcus) they too would not stick around if they did not see the potential.

you are worrying about nothing. relax, take the long term approach to this thing. it is and has always been the game to play here.

this will be a rocket ride one day but the blast off date is not known. better to take the seat and chill out. those that jump in and out trying to guess the movement are short sighted. those that bought at 15 cents and sold at 30 cents are short sighted too...yes it is a double but still nothing to what it will be.

have a good holiday weekend all. it will be interesting to see Tuesdays stock reaction if any. 16%up on Friday was real nice.

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