Timmins Gold

On site at present, Timmins Gold's mining and crushing operations are continuing with the available Komatsu shovel and six Caterpillar 100 ton trucks until the full mining fleet arrives. Over 100,000 metric tonnes of ore have been stacked on the heap leach pads and gold leaching has begun.

Words of wisdom from hoothoot @SH -

"It would appear over the past month that TMM.V has been kind to both! For those of you who have taken your money off the table and pocketed double digit gains, you have achieved success, - that was your strategy in the first place. It sure outperformed leaving your money in a 2% per year savings account, didn't it? Congratulations on your success! However, I have to take strong exception with those who bad mouth this stock, who argue that it is grossly manipulated!
How can one poo poo a company which has gone into production in record time, which continues to prudently invest by acquiring the necessary tools (new trucks, drills, upgrades to the crushing mill etc.), which attracts and retains serious investment support from an lender like Sprott, and which committs to re-investing its profits on a 70,000 meter drilling program to expand its proven reserves and thereby expand the life of its flagship mine? I call this sound management, not a get rich quick pump and dump operator! I call this a share-holder friendly company because the company is investing strategically in itself. True value is being added to the existing assets!
Those of you who have read my posts since the 31st of July will know that I am a long term hold on this company, and that I identify myself as a cautious investor as opposed to a short term speculator. I have put my money where my mouth is. I have always been on record as encouraging people to do proper due diligence, and to act on their findings accordingly.
If you believe that gold is going to collapse catastrophically in price and that fiat currencies will continue to retain their value, then by all means steer clear of this sector, because you should not invest in something which makes you sleepless at night! That is your choice.
For those of you who have profound concerns about preserving your hard earned savings against the prospects of a diluted "fiat" paper currency melt down, I submit that investing in a self financing well managed gold mining company just screams "common sense". People in this camp tend to be long term holds on companies like TMM.
This company is well run, and has a product which is in world wide demand which is being produced at approximately one third of its resale value. In Canadian dollars (which, incidentally, the share price of this company is quoted in) gold surpassed $1250 per ounce today. Their production costs are cited at US$412 per ounce. Just do the math. Duhh!
Are you a speculator, or a cautious long term investor? Think about it."
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