TTM Resources Inc

Welcome to the TTM Resources Stock Hub (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)

1)  I asked how did things go in Germany?  He said very well.  Told by others they put on a very good presentation, probably the best at the show. Met with investors from Geneva and London. 

The interviewer was "Heiko Thieme".  He worked on wall street for many years, was a portfolio manager.  And worked with Deutche bank for years managing their US equity portfolio.  He was very impressed.  Great exposure to have a "wall street veteran" interested.

2)  UBS, is most likely institutional buying from Switzerland.

3). There will be a "2nd" rig available if warranted on our new targets. 

4)  As was already mentioned on SH, we are working on a "preliminary economic assessment". 

5)  Press release/s.  I asked Crichy if we should release our Assay results separate from our "assessment", he agreed.  Therefore I imagine that we should have at least 2 Press releases to look forward to.

6)  Power to the "CHU".

TTM has been looking into this.  Very interesting discussion on power.  There are a couple of ways.  FOR THOSE WHO KNOW THIS AREA PLEASE CORRECT ME HERE IF I AM WRONG.  One is run a hydro line from 16 highway down "Clusskis" road, (spelling incorrect). We would not have to build a road to put in a line as the road is already there.  The other has to do with "Kenny Dam"??

But there is another alternative, it is a system I have not heard of.  It is a generator plant run from burning of "dead pine trees."  There is such a plant already in BC somewhere. This would be in conjunction with a hydro line.  I like this new concept as there seems to be an endless supply of dead "pine beetle" trees. These trees must be removed and disposed of somehow.  Right now they are a very real threat of a major forest fire.   The government will most likely offer us support in this project as it is virtually a "win,win" for all those involved.  ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO THIS OR HAVE HEARD OF THIS I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU.

7) Permitting.  Alot of projects are having serious permitting issues.  That just does not appear to be the case with the "chu".  Management has been looking into this and have not found any issues to date, right down to the end of the tailings pond.  Infact if you take into consideration the economy devastated by the pine beetle.  And we are providing a solution to infact deforest the area, which needed to be done anyhow.  There is no reason to date that we should be concerned that a permit is not very likely.

In closing TTM is moving forward to developing a mine, no question about it.  Will we be mining it?  Don't know.  Is there interest in our property to date, YES.  Do we forsee financing issues, short-term NO, long-term NO.   Don't forget TTM managment are "money guys". 

Will we have trouble obtaining mining equipment that is in short supply, and requires a long lead time, once again, NO.

It appears all the bases are covered, even if we get a lowball offer, as then we have our Investor protection plan.

For those who have any money left, looks like a mighty fine deal today. 






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