TTM Resources Inc

Welcome to the TTM Resources Stock Hub (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)

There comes a time when you just get fed up with the current situation and after taking great lenghts to change it to no avail, you realize that it is time to move on.

There is one poster who got his posting privelages suspended indefinately. This poster is so knowledgable he makes me look like a pure amateur. He lashed out at stippy after being provoked. Look who is still here, Stippy. To me it is evident that SH looks after those who provide the most hits available a second, third, and fourth, chance etc. This sites revenue is based on traffic the more traffic you get the more exposure for the advertising companies. Take a look at this. This is for about 10 days only.

Your Violation Accuracy
Number of violations you reported: 21
Times we agreed with you: 18
Times we disagreed with you: 3
Your accuracy rate: 85.71%

This is on stippy yet my poster in question had 1.

I know there are very many who really appreciate the effort of those who post regularily on SH providing valuable information. But that information also falls into the wrong hands as well. But we are growing tired of defending TTM and battling those who's only agenda is to manipulate and deceive honest people. Posts get copied and spammed without permission from the original poster etc.

I will be at the other board for those who are fed up with this are welcome.

There has been more than enough valuable information by now to convince you that an investment in TTM is very sound and will pay off for those who have a little patience to wait it out.

If you have ever trusted my judgement then believe me just this last time. BUY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN VERY SOON. Today's SP will look like an unbelievable bargain down the road.

One more thing. About Crichy trading TTM. He has the right to do so and is not doing anything illegal. Unethical is another question.
Then why is he doing it. Does he need the money? NO. Does he like the constant bashing that it has caused, not really but he is accepting it. Why then is he peeing off the traders and longs on TTM. The answer is very simple. And this is just imho.

He is keeping a cap on it so it can be affordable to his buddies, friends, relatives and business associates. What other reason can there be?

He is not hurting any of us longs not one single bit. Infact what he has done is enable me a few times to free up extra money to buy more TTM. Thanks Crichy...!!! For those of you who are impatient and trade this stock you have a right to be furious, for me it is a blessing. Remember he always buys it back! They will continue to strip away at anyone who wants to part with their shares.

I have said this many times, and for the last time here goes. There are powerful people behind this you cannot fight and win so don't try. Play their game buy on the dips and accumulate.

Crichy and Tom have been amazing providing us with all the time and information that they can release to the general public. To bash them is just not fair. I will no longer be posting any of our conversations anymore on this BB they have stuck their neck out many times and some people just twist it and do not appreciate it.

I would imagine in the next while there may be a rebutal from those who would like to ridicule this post. I will not be responding, for some of the loyal members defend me if you wish.



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