StrikePoint Gold

Welcome To The Strikepoint Gold HUB On AGORACOM Focused on the Rice Lake Gold Belt
in response to traps7's message


The following summary has been compiled mainly from information contained in

Tuba and Ostry (1994), Minton (1982), Cole (1938) as well as from press articles. It is

included here for the general interest of users of the field guide.

Manigotagan Area

1881: Gold was discovered on Black Island (Minton, 1982), shaft was sunk.

1885-86: Gold was discovered on the south side of Hole River close to its mouth

(Minton). A tunnel was driven 50 feet into the rock, some test pits.


1924: Lotus (33 km NW of Bissett) 1924-35 trenching, pitting drilling. 1946-54


1978-81 drilling. 1982 short production.

Production (1982) 8287 tonnes at 4.56


(0.13 ozlton) Au.

Reserves (1981) 18 140 t grading 10.29


ozlton) Au.

Bissett Area

San Antonio Mine

1910-11: Discovery of gold at Rice Lake in 1911 (Gabrielle property) (Cole, 1938); or "a

few days after Christmas 1910" (Minton). (Background: In Febr. 1911 Duncan

Twohearts sent some samples to Arthur Quesnel at Manigotagan who gave them to

E.A. Pelletier an RCMP inspector and prospector. He panned them and one had gold.

In March he went to Twohearts' camp at Turtle Lake and then both went to Rice Lake.

Twoheart led Pelletier to a projection on the Lake on March 6, where the sample had

come from. The pair made a big fire. The heat chipped the rocks along the shore and

disclosed quartz veins and mineralization. Pelletier chipped on the quartz and finally

freed gold about the size of a small pea. He staked a claim, the first in the Rice lake

area, and named it in honor of a lady friend (after Minton)).

1911: the San Antonio claim was staked by A. Desautels and assigned to E.A. Pelletier.

1912: E.S. Moore (GSC) surveyed Rice Lake area and his report generated much

prospecting (Minton).

1912 (August): Pelletier erected a stamp mill on the northwest shore of Rice Lake, at a

location presently in front of the Newshams' house. The mill had been brought up Lake

Winnipeg to Manigotagan, across 28 portages to Rice Lake. A small amount of ore was


taken from the original shaft and crushed by hand before entering the mill. This was the

first gold milled in Manitoba.

1927: San Antonio Mines sink No 1 and No 2 shafts (Cole, 1938).

1928: No. 1 completed down to 50m with 305 m of lateral work on the 46 m level. No. 2

had reached 187 m with over 1220 m of drifting and cross cutting on 4 levels.

1929-30: Winze 1, inclined 60° was sunk from the 183 m level at a point 139 m

northeast of No. 2 shaft with stations at the 260 and 290 m levels.

1933: San Antonio started milling May 1st, 150 tons per day in August. NO.3 shaft

(main production, 3 compartments) was started.

1934: San Antonio paid first dividend, 5 cents a share, milling increased to 170

tons/day. In 1934 Gabrielle Mine also sinks shaft to 400 foot level and in1935 sells its

property to San Antonio Gold Mines Ltd.

1935-36: Milling at San Antonio increased to 275 tons/day. 1936 milling increased to

325 tons/day. In 1936 a 547 m cross cut to the Gabrielle workings was completed.

1938-40: No. 3 shaft was completed to 498 m in 1938. It is connected on the 366, 412,

and 458 m levels to winze 2 sunk in 1937 from the 320 to the 473 m level. In 1939,

NO.3 winze ( a 3 compartment internal shaft) was begun at a point 275 m northeast of

the NO.3 shaft on the 456 m level, completed in 1940 to 763 m, opening up 6 new

levels at 46 m intervals.

1947: NO.4 winze, located 275 m east of NO.3 winze was sunk from the 16th level

732 m to 1256 m below surface with 10 levels, the deepest (26th) at 1179 m.

In 1960 a 5th winze was completed, located on the adjoining leased property of FortyFour

Mines Ltd.. It extends from the 26th level for 372 m, to 1546 m below surface.

1968: Production ceased due to fire in main hoist and low gold prices. Company was

placed in receivership and its assets purchased by 3 of the former directors. Ore

reserves estimated at 186490 tonnes grading over 8.23g/tonne (0.24 ozlton) gold.

Independent consultant estimates that deep drilling would show 1 800000 tonnes

grading 10.63 g/tonne (0.31 oz).

1972: Chemalloy Minerals Ltd. took out a 60-day option to do work. Option not


1980-84: Brinco and Forty-Four Mines conducted a 7 month feasibility study. It

confirmed mineable reserves of 725680 tonnes with average grade of 6.51 g/tonne

(0.19 ozlton) gold. Work was done to access levels down to 1586 m. In 1981 a $13

million program was started. A 408 tonne/day concentrator was build to replace the one


destroyed by fire in 1968. The mine re-opened in January 1982 designed to produce

684 kg gold from the upper levels only. Production reached 49.76 kg by July 1982.

Grades of ore only reached 4.8 g/tonne, so operations were terminated in May, 1983.

In 1983 Lathwell Resources Ltd. negotiated an option agreement with Brinco.

Exploration drilling during 1983 intersected the 97 stockwork with 9 holes. Average

thickness below 33 level was 3.45 m averaging 9.26 g/tonne (200000 tonnes of ore). In

1984 a D shaft ore reserve between the 26 and 36 levels was estimated as 1 203161

tonnes averaging 7.89g/tonne. Drill holes confirmed the presence of several new

stockworks (parallel 97 veins) on the 33 level. However Lathwell dropped the option

after phase I exploration work late in 1984.

1985 (November) to 1987: The San Antonio property was optioned by San Antonio

Resources, jointly owned by Inco Ltd., Quest Resources and private investors. A 6640

m underground drilling program was carried out that defined a "mineral resource" of

420 000 oz or 13 063 kg gold. In 1987 Kilborn-Cassiar confirms mineable reserves of

1,469,690 tons grading 0.2080zlton with operating costs of US $322/oz

1989: Early in the year Cassiar (Kilborn) estimates 1.23 million tons at an average

grade of 0.223 ozlton mineable reserves. Cost US $230/oz for the first 3 years, capital

cost $11.2 million for extending the A shaft 900ft to the 16th level and deepening the D

shaft to access the ore below the 26th level. Later in 1989 Rea Gold acquires San

Antonio from Cassiar Mining. Estimated mineable ore below the 26th level was 1.2

million tons grading 0.22 ozlton and 301,400 tons grading 0.192 oz above the 26th

level. Capital cost was estimated at $18.8 million, operating cost at $78.53/ton.

1993-present: In 1993 Rea Gold begins a pre-feasibility study involving underground

drilling in 1994. In 1994 Rea Gold begins engineering study to complete feasibility

study. Projected production 60 000-70 000 ozlyear, cost US$250/oz. Capital cost to

mine 1000 tons/day is $30 million. Mineable reserves >400000 oz.

In 1995 after an underground exploration drilling program in 1994 estimated 1.95

million tons grading 0.197 o.p.t., subsequent recalculations arrive at nearly 3 million

tons grading 0.275 o.p.t. Capital cost for bringing the mine back into production is

estimated at $30.3 million. Operating costs $61.22 per ton or $US 242 per ounce of

gold. Milling 1000t.p.d. upgraded within 2 years. During this period operating revenue

of $5.6 million from processing of development ore.

Gold production at San Antonio:

1932-68 41,519 kg (1,334,892 oz.)

1982 estimate 344 kg 11,050 oz.

1983 estimate 137 kg 4,393 oz.

Siver production:

1932-68 5,978.2 kg


Sannorm Mine (Hunter Group or Normandy)

1934: The Hunter Group was staked by several people. In 1934 it was assigned to

Normandy Mines Ltd. Two deposits were opned up in 1934. Property inactive until 1944

when claims were a 21 leases were assigned to the Hunter Group and Sannorm Mines

Ltd took over, magnetic surveys and diamond drilling started.

1947: Sangold Mines Ltd. to the north was purchased. A 2 level shaft (at 125


intervals) was sunk but work was suspended in 1948.

1952: Consolidated Sannorm Mines Ltd. took over. Geophysical surveys between

1961 and 1971, drilling 1974,1978,1986-1989.

No production.

Reserves (1989) 177460 t grading 4.18gft (0.12 ozlton) Au including 106000 t grading

5.42 gft gold to a depth of 150 m.

Gold Field, Wingold

1913-15: 5 shallow shafts are sunk, 12-31 m deep; a small stamp mill operated for a

brief time on Wingold shaft/mine, produced one brick from Chicamon claim near Gold

lake. 100ff shaft was sunk on Big Four in 1914, 50 feet of drifting; Gold Cup (60 ft.

shaft, possibly 2 shafts), part of Wingold Group.

1934-36 underground work, Gold Fields shaft deepened to 91 m with 3 levels.

Reserves (1935) 6535 t grading 13.95 gft (0.41 ozlton) gold, 6349 t grading 7.20 gft

Au in a surface dump.

Emperor-Gold Standard

1912-17: 40 ft shaft on Emperor claim; 100 ft. shaft on Gold Standard (formerly

Independence)- some drifting,

properties sold to Forty-Four Mines.

Gold Pan, Gold Seal

1915: A 300 m shaft as sunk and short levels run from it; a mill was built. Mine closed


1917: Gold Pan Mine Ltd. produced $1400 from two shafts. Arthur Quesnel described

that were the vein crossed a diabase dyke, spectacular free gold was extracted and

samples were exhibited all over the country. Work continued until 1946-47 (Minton).

1980: drilling

1982: installation of small mill and flotation circuit.

Production (1919-1924) 7.49 kg of Au.

Reserves unknown.

Vanson Mine

1926: (Syndicate No.9,1 0 staked by Aronowitch and Bubis; shaft sunk in 1926 or 27. In

1932 Vanson Gold Mines Ltd. was formed and a 25 ton mill was installed in 1933 and

started working. This mill proved unsatisfactory and was replaced by a 2-stamo mill

with capacity of 18 tons per day. In 1935 a four-level shaft was completed, but only the


225 and 475 level-foot levels were developed. Equipment was converted from steam to

electric and a company town was built. Operations ceased in 1935. Geophysical

surveys in 1968, 1970 and 1971. ESL Resources Canada sampled in 1981.

No information on past production or reserves.


1921: 18 m shaft was sunk.

1950 drilling, 1970,71 geophysical surveys, 1979-81 feasibility study, 1981-82 drilling.

Reserves (1981) 15 964 t grading 6.17


(0.18 ozlton) Au.

Packsack Mine

1917: staked as Moncalm claim, 4 km SW of Bissett.

1935: Packsack Mines Ltd. bought property and in 1936 sank a shaft down to 525 ft.

Lack of financing terminated project in 1937.

1940: Gods Lake Gold Mines gained control, but after much drilling and underground

development the mine was closed down again in 1940. Open End Mines was

processing stockpiled ore afterwards.

1985: small crusher installed and open cut and shaft sinking.

Production(1936-37) development ore stockpiled (1985) small (unknown) amount of

gold obtained.

Reserves (1937) 21 800 t at 12.36

glt (0.36 ozlton) and 4 536 t at 5.83 glt

(0.17 ozlton)

gold. (1979) 272 155 t grading 10.3


(0.30 ozlton)

Wolf Prospect


1920: pitting.

1949-59: 47 drill holes

1981: drilling.

Reserves (1981) Fox vein: probable reserves 1 807 t grading 6.86


(0.20 ozlton),

possible reserves 12 228 t grading 6.86


West Fox vein prob. reserves 910 t grading

16.8 glt

(0.49 ozlton) Au possible reserves are 5 080 t grading 16.8 glt:

prime vein

possible reserves 2993 t grading 25.71


(0.75 ozlton) Au.

Rita No.

1 (Independence)

1934-37: pitting, trenching, 9 m shaft was sunk.

1964: drilling

1970-71: geophysical surveys, 1973 drilling

1983: geophysical surveys, soil geochem.

Reserves (1938) 2585 t grading 25.4


(0.74 ozlton) Au.


1914-16: pitting, trenching; 2 shafts sunk (7.6 and 30.5 m deep),

1936-43: drilling, 1961-62 drilling, 1980 drilling.

Reserves (1986) mine muck samples range 4.9

glt to 21.6 glt.

(1914-16) 16780 t

grading 34.29


(1.0 ozlton) Au.


Gold Lake

1920: 2 shafts sunk, 6 and 15 m; pitting, trenching.

1935-36: drilling, 1 shaft deepened to 107 m, drifting and crosscutting;

1953 underground exploration, drilling,

1984 drilling.

Production :none

Reserves (1934) 79x1.7 m grading 14.4 g/t (0.42 ozlton) Au


1914: 59 ft shaft sunk

1934: drilling

1981: prospecting.

Reserve (1981) 1787 t at 13.7g/t

Long Lake - Stormy Lake Area

Central Manitoba Mine

1925-26: Surface and underground development on the Kitchener group (later Central

Manitoba Mines) (Cole, 1938)

1927: Mill of 150 ton/day was erected and started operation at Central Manitoba

Mines (Cole, 1938).

Kitchener Mine producing from 1927 to 1937. Others to follow were Tene, Growler and

Hope (and Rogers shaft?) mines next to Kichener, operated by Central Manitoba from

1932 to 1937. 1977 trenching; 1981 geophysical surveys; 1982 surface material is

milled in Bissett; 1984 drilling.

Production (1927-37) 4 287 kg (or 160000 oz JS)of Au was produced. (1982) 437 t

were processed, but recovery unknown.

Reserves unknown.


1924-25: trenching;

1941: 36 m deep Ogama shaft sunk, deepened to 239 m in 1946-47.

1948: 2 shafts sunk on Rockland vein.

1948-51: Ogama shaft deepened to 314 m and Rockland to 83 m. Production

interrupted from 1942-48 , ceased in 1951.

1968, 1973: drilling

1981-82: geophysical surveys, 1984,87 drilling.

Production(1942-43 and 48-51) 50,000 oz (1 555 kg) Au.

Reserves (1950) No.4 vein - 30,137 t grading 11.66


(0.34 ozlton) gold


1923-24: Onondaga claim staked, 31 m shaft sunk and five-stamp mill installed (Cole,


1949-50: shaft dewatering and drilling.


1981 geophysical surveys.

1984: drilling.

Production (1933-34) 0.933 kg (30 oz) of gold.

Reserves unknown.


1922: Two-stamp mill installed at Elora Fractional claim, Long Lake, 26 km SE of

Bissett (Cole, 1938).

1928 : drilling.

1981 geophysical surveys. 1984 drilling.

Production (1922) 113 t were milled which produced 3.21 kg (104.1 oz) of Au.


1934: sampling on Halfway Lake, 25 km SE of Bissett;

1938-39: drilling, shaft sunk, drifting;

1963: geophysical surveys;

1978-81, 1986: trenching

1987-88: drilling. No production.

Reserves (1987) 68 000 t grading 4.46


(0.13 ozlton) Au.

Contact between Rice Lake volcanics and Ross River tonalite.

Valley Vein,

1920-23: 2 shafts sunk (7.6 and 10 m);

1934: drilling,

1945: 10 m shaft deepened to 82 m;

1963 drilling;

1981 geophysical surveys, 1984 drilling.

No production, reserves unknown.


1927: Development work (Cole, 1938)

Gunnar Mine

1933-36: Diamond drilling at Gunnar Property, 35 km SE of Bissett. 1934 development

work: 2 shafts sunk to 305 and 380 m. 1935 mill construction, in operation in 1936.

1937-41: pays its first dividend. Main shaft sunk to 625 m. Operated until 1941.

Processing of mine tailings.

1980 geophysical surveys. 1984 geophysical surveys.

Production (1934-41) 3101.4 kg of Au was produced. (1979) 0.1 kg of Au.

Oro Grande-Solo Mines

1924-26: Development work at Oro Grande-Solo claims, Central Manitoba area (Cole,

1938),34 km SE of Bissett. 43 m (Solo) shaft sunk, 15 m (Oro Grande) shaft sunk.1928

both shafts deepened.


1932-34 milling commenced in 1932; in 1933 Oro Grande shaft deepened to 78 m and

connected to Solo shaft on the 38 m level; new mill installed.

1936-40 operations renewed.

1962 drilling and geophysical surveys.

1984 geophysical surveys.

Production (1932-34) 8.85 kg gold, (1938-40) 156.15 kg of gold.

Reserves (1985) 29290 t grading


(0.30 ozlton) between the 150 m level and



1924: staked

1928-29: 9 m shaft was sunk, trenching and pitting;

1978-81: trenching

1986-87: 2 km2 overburden removal by Esso Resources Canada.


1919: staked by O.J. Quesnel.

1934-36: trenching and pitting; 15 m deep shaft,1936 drilling.

1980: sampling; 1984 geophysical and geochemical surveys.


trenching and pitting;

1994 geophysical surveys

Gem Lake Area

Diana Mine

1925-26: Gold discoveries near Gem Lake and Slate Lake (Cole, 1938)

1928-38: Gem Lake mine (Bon), 51 km SE of Bissett, 236 m shaft sunk with 6 levels.

1932: Gem Lake mine milling ore.

1933: Gem Lake Mines bankrupt, Diana Gold Mines takes over.

1967-68: trenching.

1974-77 geophysical surveys, sampling of tailings.

Production (1928-32) 16.95 kg of Au. (1934-36) 199.79 kg of Au. (1937-38) 15.83 kg of

Au, (1940-41) 3.02 kg of Au.

Reserves (1976) tailings 27 000 to 45 000 t grading 4,25


(0.124 ozlton)

Wallace Lake Area


1934: staked

1946: transferred to Jeep Gold Mines Ltd. a subsidiary of San Antonio Mines Ltd.


1947-50: shaft sunk, underground exploration, crosscutting and drifting. Ore grade in

1947 26.5g/t

to 64.07 glt. In 1948 it averaged 27.29 glt.

in 1950 shaft deepened to 180

m with levels at 135 and 175 m.

1958-59 surface exploration.

1973: geophysical surveys, drilling; intention to develop an open pit.

1980 geophysical survey, feasibility study for a 180 tonneslday mill.

Production (1947-50) 16319 tonnes were milled producing 432 kg (13889 oz) of Au.

Reserves unknown


1932: staked

1933-36: 10 pits (to shallow shafts) were dug, drilling.

1958 exploration activity.

1965 drilling for Ag, Au, Cu, Zn, Pb in graphitic slatelargillite, interlayered with silicified



1932: staked; trenching, shaft sinking

1934: drilling

1950: drilling

Cryderman Mine (Little Pal claim)

1925: staked

1926: Victoria Syndicate option and work on Cryderman property (Cole, 1938). In 1926

Mining Corporation of Canada sank a 260 ft shaft and 656 ft and 232 ft of drifting on

the 125 ft and 250 ft level.

1928: Cryderman Mines Ltd. took over. No work until 1932, when shaft was dewatered,

a 40 ton mill and a 100 ton mill were erected, but work stopped again at the end of


1936: drilling

1958: surface sampling

Production (1931-32) 11.60 kg of gold.

Reserves (1931) 67 m by 7.6 m that grades 17.83


(1959) 79.9 m by 1.0 m that

grades 19.2


(0.56 Ozlton) Au

Moore Lake

1988: geophysical surveys, drilling

Wanipigow River - Little Beaver Lake Area


1915: staked

1915-19: shaft sunk 3 500 ft NW of Little Beaver Lake, stamp mill, shut down in 1919.

1921-25: Selkirk Gold Mining Co. took over; its subsidiary, American Development Co.


replaced the mill, extended the shaft to over 525 ft. and did extensive development

work on 5 levels. Mine shut down in 1925.

1927-28: Selkirk Mines Ltd. did electromagnetic surveys and drilling in 1927 and 1928.

Average grade too low.

1934: Poundmaker Gold Mines Ltd. acquired the claims. Drilling;

1938: a new, hydroelectric mill capable of handling 100 tons per day was constructed,

but lack of financing finished the venture in 1942. Several new owners tried to make a

going: Jacknife Gold Mines Ltd. Jacobus Mining Co. Ltd. H. Barry, P.




1968, 70, 71 :Magnetic surveys

1980-83: Production from muck pile in 1980 and 1982-83.

Production 1923-24: 12.4 kg; 1980: 0.9 kg; 1982-83: 6.7 kg (2093 t)

Reserves unknown.

Grand Central

1928: Grand Central (Gold) Mine (Lakeshore claim) on the north shore of Wanipigow

Lake. Staked by


Bonus. Some pits and trenches in 1929.

1933: the Walsh brothers hand-sank a shaft to 107 feet and moved a 5-stamp mill to

the property. Operation ceased in 1933 with 300 tons of ore milled which produced

0.93 kg (30 oz.) of Au.

1964, 68, 70, 71: Geophysical surveys

1982: muck pile sampled. 1986 assessment.

Production 300 tons yielded 0.93 kg of Au. (Reserves unknown)


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