Stock Synergy, Momentum & Breakout

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And that has me excited.Why???Cuz we are heading into golds best time of the year and that sets things up nicely for getting over $1400.While gold stocks have gone parabolic in some cases,this is just the beginning of the bull run.Rick Rule has taken profits in many gold stocks because as he said they have rewarded him handsomely.This is true.I have sold 1/3 or in some cases 2/3 of my holdings because of huge runs.I have deployed that extra cash in other gold plays for the most part that were either late to get noticed or hadn't run yet as they positioned themselves with more land.V.SKE would fall into the latter as they have recently acquired more land in the golden triangle region.I have also gone back to plays which had runs and have now consolidated before starting to move again.V.GZZ and V.PRG fall into this category.both pulled back into the mid .20's but have now gotten back over .30.This is the start of the second leg up for gold stocks.There are many solid plays out there.Get a basket of them now.Take profits on the way up and watch for the trends in rally's and consolidations as the money flows back and forth from producers to explorers to royalty generators.Personally I am in the above mentioned plays along with v.aug v.icg v soi.On the producer side detour has been my fav.Anyone else is free to add their input on which ones to add.I have a watch list that I am always updating.On the zinc side of things the story has not changed.Zinc supplies are not coming online any time soon.Nevsun is the great beneficiary of this as they are hitting the zinc reserves in their mine just as zinc is rallying.Love this company.Their recent acquisition was perfect and they pay a dividend to boot and you can even write covered calls.Still hold TV for some zinc exposure and have added v.cnx for a spec zinc.Enjoy the rest of the summer......although September can't come soon enough for those of us looking for great trading opportunities
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