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Statmon Technologies Television Station 'HUB' & Remote Control Solution is Designed to Reduce Broadcasters Operating Costs by Millions of Dollars Per Annum

Tuesday February 10, 10:00 am ET

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Statmon Technologies Corp. (OTCBB:STCAE), a leading monitoring and remote control solution provider for broadcast and telecommunication remote site networks is working with major broadcasters to help stem the bleeding as broadcasters revenues tumble and the costs caused by the delay of the HD TV switch over, mount up.

Statmon’s Chairman and CEO, Mr. Geoffrey Talbot, commented: “Statmon’s proven regional HUB model consolidates local station operations facilitating mission critical operating control at a national master control or network operations center (“NOC”), eliminating duplicative local station systems and device control for programming, traffic and content delivery while simultaneously satisfying regulatory compliance issues including managing the EMS (emergency alert system).”

GE-NBC Universal (NYSE “GE”) and Statmon first developed the regional HUB model over six years ago. The Statmon Technologies regional HUB model is now being adopted by select television station groups to consolidate local markets and significantly reduce their network operating expenses.

Mr. Geoffrey Talbot, continued: “While many broadcast capital expenditure budgets were put on hold in late 2008, as the financial markets imploded sending the economy into a tail spin, at Statmon, we are now seeing highly selective expenditure approvals gaining momentum albeit approved by economic merit on a case by case basis. In the prevailing environment, “C Level” and financial management are seeking ways to slash operating expenses and reallocate resources in a paradigm shift. Fast cost reduction results can be achieved by deployment and functionality expansion of the Statmon solution. The cost effective Statmon regional hub model consolidates local operations up to a regional level, controlled by a national master control or network operations center (“NOC”), eliminating duplicative operations while at the same time satisfying regulatory compliance issues including managing the EMS (emergency alert system).”

Mr. Talbot went on to say; “Statmon is also offering its enterprise clients flexible payment options for its cost saving software. A license fee per site and maintenance fee is paid monthly. The Statmon “Structured Software License Plan” is designed to minimize the initial capital cost of deploying the Statmon Platform and to fast track the net cash flow benefits facilitated by reduced operating costs thereby better matching the investment and the real time cash benefit. There are initial installation and hardware costs. The initial and ongoing investment payback ROI is a very short, if not in fact, cash flow positive from the get go.”

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