Silverado Gold Mines

in response to GRIM REAPER's message

by Rory, The Daily Coin

The U.S. Mint has been rationing the volume of silver eagles released to the public since July 2015. The Royal Canadian Mint has followed suit. The Australian Perth Mint, has increased their monthly production of silver coins more than two fold.

This is the backdrop which is shining a light on our broken economy. In 2008 the U.S. Mint increased their production and release of silver eagles by 50% year-over-year. Each subsequent year the U.S. Mint has reached a new high with the exception of 2012, which is okay because in 2013 the volume, not only reached a new high it was higher than 2011!!

Take a look at this chart.

There has been a dramatic upswing in the volume of silver eagles moving through the U.S. Mint that is in direct correlation to the “financial crisis” that began in 2008 and has yet to subside. The volume of American Silver Eagles almost doubled year-over-year from 2007 to 2008 and has doubled again beginning in 2011. In four short years the volume of American Silver Eagles has experienced a four-fold increase. What other product, company or anything has increased their volume four-fold in four years? I dare say, none.

The volume of investment that is currently in gold and/or silver is estimated to be less than 1% of the total volume of investments in the U.S. As we have recently documented the U.S. Mint and the Royal Canadian Mint can not keep up with the current volume of silver moving through the two largest mints in the world. What would happen if there was a very small increase of investment that was to move out of the stock or bond market and into physical gold and silver? I am not talking about a major increase – what would happen if 0.20% (20bps) of the investment total were to move towards precious metals? If they wanted to acquire silver or gold from the COMEX, forget about it. Not going to happen. Take a look:

If you don’t currently hold physical precious metals, specifically gold and silver, you should ask yourself this simple question: If the dollars in my wallet and the digital blips on the screen of my computer are backed by the “full faith and confidence of the federal government” what is actually backing the currency? Lies

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