Silverado Gold Mines

in response to GRIM REAPER's message

"Manifestly nothing is more vital to our supremacy as a nation and to the beneficent purpose of our Government than a sound and stable currency. Its exposure to degradation should at once arouse to activity the most enlightened statesmanship, and the danger of depreciation in the purchasing power of the wages paid to toil should furnish the strongest incentive to prompt and conservative precaution." President Grover Cleveland, Inaugural Address, March 4, 1893


Prophetic Warning from Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary of Agriculture, 1969

"The very beginning of our troubles can be traced to the day when the federal government over stepped its proper defensive function and began to manipulate the monetary system to accomplish political objectives."

"The creation of the federal reserve board made it possible for the first time in America for men arbitrarily to change the value of our money. Previously, that value had been determined solely by the natural interplay of (1) the amount of precious metals held in reserve, (2) the value men freely placed on those presious metals, and (3) the amount of material goods which were available for sale or exchange."

"One of the first arbitrary and politically motivated interferences with the natural value of money was to peg the price of gold at $35.00 per ounce. At first, this made little difference because it was quite possible for men to mine gold profitably at this price. But as government moved into a program of deficit spending, the motivation for fixing the price of gold became obvious. The artificial increase of the money supply caused the value of each dollar to decrease in relationship to the total supply of material goods which that dollar could purchase. This relative decrease in purchasing power, of course, is known as inflation. But, if gold were not held by proportion to the artificial increase in paper money, and as long as gold was guaranteed backing behind each dollar, the Government wouldn't have been able to benefit one iota from keeping operation similar to that of a corporation with assets of $100,000 suddenly doubling its numbers of stock-shares. Since the assets wouldn't increase, the value of each share simple would be cut in half. But, if the corporation somehow could force by law all persons to purchase each new share at the same price as the old, then it could realize a tremendous profit through sale of the new issue. This is exactly the kind of fraudulent practice that was and is perpetrated on the American people by forcing the price of gold to remain at $35.00 per ounce."

"The natural result of this con game was that the mining of gold gradually came to a halt. With practically no new gold moving into the Treasury to keep pace with the expanding paper money supply, it was essential for the government manipulators to have the nation go off the gold standard; that is, to remove gold as a guaranteed backing. This, in a nutshell, is the so-called "Gold Problem."

"Like the drunkard at the end of a weekend spree, there is no way in the world to avoid the inevitable "morning after." We have been feeling the exhilarating effects of inflation and have become numbed to the gradual dissipation of our gold reserves. In our economic stupor, when we manage to think ahead about the coming hangover, we have merely taken another swig from the bottle to reinforce the artificial sensation of prosperity. But each new drink at the cup of inflation, and each new drain on the gold supply of our body of strength does not prevent the dreaded hangover, it merely postpones it a little longer and will make it that much worse when it finally comes."

"There are those - particularly among the government manipulators who endorse the policies that have brought us to our present unhappy state - who would have us believe that, somehow, if we just do a little more manipulating of our money, possible even set up a world monetary system through the U.N., then we can avoid having to pay thje fiddler; or, to be more precise, to pay the bartender. But such proposals are merely more of the same con game against American people, and not only fail to solve our economic problems, but could lead us into surrendering our economic independence as a nation to the dictates of a majority block in the U.N. which, conceivably, would be less interested in our recovery than in exploiting our misery."


Its amazing that Ezra Taft Benson, while Secretary of agriculture, heard about the Fed's plans to lead the nation down the path of inflation to bankruptcy, so they could sellout the nation to the control of the U.N.s new world currency that is waiting in the wings. This was obviously the plan of the international bankers all along. GRIM

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