Silverado Gold Mines

in response to GRIM REAPER's message

SideNote: Mr. Rogers lists the reasons why I feel that Gold-Silver has just started the next leg of the Bull Run; while the dollar tumbles. There is always the chance the dollar does a dead cat bounce 9 times along the way. Like Rogers says below, when the central bankers are in a panic, "They will do whatever they can to save the market." Which means pumping up the dollar tp slow Gold_silver down..



"We're All Going To Suffer"

Rogers says that investors around the world are realizing that the jig is up. Stocks are over bloated and central banks will have little choice but to take action again. But this time, says Rogers in his latest interview.

"We’re all going to suffer… I can think of very few places that won’t suffer. But most people are going to suffer the next time around."

"Central banks will panic. They will do whatever they can to save the market, It’s artificial… it won’t work… there comes a time when no matter how much money you have, the market has more money."

"I don’t know if they’ll even call it QE (Quantitative Easing) in the future… who knows what they’ll call it to disguise it… they’re going to try whatever they can… printing more money or lowering interest rates or buying more assets… but unfortunately, no matter how much P.R. or whitewashing they use, the market knows this is over and we’re not going to play this game anymore."

"It’s artificial… it won’t work… there comes a time when no matter how much money you have, the market has more money."

"I don’t know if they’ll even call it QE (Quantitative Easing) in the future… who knows what they’ll call it to disguise it… they’re going to try whatever they can… printing more money or lowering interest rates or buying more assets… but unfortunately, no matter how much P.R. or whitewashing they use, the market knows this is over and we’re not going to play this game anymore."

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