Silverado Gold Mines

SideNote: Some of you already know, that over the past few years, I have been speculating that there is a good chance that gold will not reach the lofty heights that many gold analyst have been predicting. I don't believe Joe-six-pac will benifit from their scheme because they want him/us to be financially broke and submissive slaves to their NWO demands. Also I believe the powers to be who are pulling the strings, are not concerned about the public knowing they are minipulating the markets. And I have this feeling they already have developed the next plan to execute, put in place, that will keep joe-six-pac from financially benefiting from higher gold prices. I believe they have already started pulling the rug out from under the feets of the precious mining companies and their investors. With all the pervasive naked shorting of the mining stocks that has been taking place over the past 10 years; driving many of the mining companies and investors into bankruptcy!! So that some organization like maybe the "World Gold Counsel" ?? will walk in and take control over ALL the precious metal mining projects for the NWO. Its all about the 2030 new "Sustainable Development" plan. This is just a geopolitical theory of mine, hope I am wrong, BUT the bigger picture tells me, there is a 80% possibility that it will happen!!



In Sweden Cash Is Becoming Radioactive

They are slowly but surely discouraging the use of cash all over the
world. In Sweden, this movement has already become so advanced that
they are now pulling ATMs out of even the most rural locations…

"The Swedish government abetted by its fractional-reserve banking
system is moving relentlessly toward a completely cashless economy.
Swedish banks have begun removing ATMs even in remote rural areas, and
according to Credit Suisse the rule of thumb in Scandinavia is “If you
have to pay in cash, something is wrong.” Since 2009 the average
annual value of notes and coins in circulation in Sweden has fallen
more than 20 percent from over 100 billion to 80 billion kronor. What
is driving this movement to destroy cash is the desire to unleash the
Swedish central bank to drive the interest rate down even further into
negative territory. Currently, it stands at -0.35 percent, but the
banks have not passed this along to their depositors, because
depositors would simply withdraw their cash rather than leave it in
banks and watch its amount shrink inexorably toward zero. However,
if cash were abolished and bank deposits were the only form of money,
well then there would be no limit on negative interest rate policy as
banks would be able to pass these negative interest rates onto their
depositors without adverse consequences. With everyone’s wages,
salaries, dividends etc, paid by direct deposit into his bank account,
the only way to escape negative interest rates would be to spend,
spend, spend. This, of course, is precisely what the Keynesian
economists advising governments and running central banks are aiming
at….a pro-cash resistance movement is beginning to coalesce and the
head of a security industry lobbying group relates, “I’ve heard of
people keeping cash in their microwaves because banks won’t accept

People in Sweden are hiding cash in their microwaves as it gets closer to being the first cashless society with negative interest rates
Jim Edwards Oct 28, 2015

The Identification for Development (ID4D) initiative was originally
launched by the World Bank.....

"Providing legal identity for all (including birth registration) by
2030 is a target shared by the international community as part of the
Sustainable Development Goals (target 16.9). The World Bank Group
(WBG) has launched the Identification for Development (ID4D)
cross-practice initiative, with the participation of seven GP/CCSAs
sharing the same vision and strategic objectives, to help our client
countries achieve this goal and with the vision of making everyone
count: ensure a unique legal identity and enable digital ID-based
services to all."

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