Silver Standard Resources

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jim willie explains the swap behind last week's decline in precious metals:

However, in the last two weeks, the easy credit lines have been taken advantage of to supply funds to central bank agents who have a constant habit of selling huge contracts of gold futures, of course often naked short selling. It should come as no surprise that the gold price was pushed down $60 and the silver price pushed down $2.20 after the Dollar Swap Facility kicked in, yet the gold community seems unaware. Harken back to the autumn 2008, to the crisis acceleration events and banking system demise. Recall the $132 billion payment made to JPMorgan on a Saturday morning before dawn before a crooked bankruptcy court judge in Manhattan. The official story was a diversion, claiming the private Lehman accounts were compensated for. In the following two weeks after the giant slush fund was delivered to JPMorgan, the gold price and silver price plummeted. The gold cartel had money to put to work immediately to suppress precious metals, the enemy of the USDollar. Last week was a sort of replay with the slush funds similarly reloaded with Dollar Swap Facility funds, courtesy of the USFed.


If the Commodity Trading Futures Commission truly wished to do their job, and identify manipulation in the precious metals market, they need only to open their eyes and monitor the Big Four trades in this current week when futures options expired for gold. The gold cartel illicitly pushed down the gold price so that options expire worthless. Notice the cartel kept the gold price below the critical $1200 waterline until Tuesday afternoon. Poof, a heap of options go worthless, and whoosh, the gold price moves over $1200 in the wake of the criminal event. Some analysts actually made sneid comments like the gold traders "had it coming to them" or some such. So if a band of Florida retirees goes to Vegas on a field trip, eager to double their money at the casino tables, do they also have it coming to them to be victimized? The Florida Suckers face crooked blackjack tables and altered roulette wheels, and their greedy grubby plans are rightfully stripped by corrupt operators? Never should greedy gold traders who expect monumental mammoth monstrous monetary inflation to push gold toward $1300 per ounce, be considered cannon fodder. The CFTC is just another Goldman Sachs office, obedient to their masters on Wall Street and the USDept Treasury. Referring to options expiration day of Tuesday May 25th, Jesse of the Cafe Americain said "Gold traded all day below 1200, at times rising to within fifty cents of the key strike price of 1200 where a large concentration of call options were clustered. Well, since the call options at 1200 have expired worthless, why bother using the energy to continue to suppress the price?" The games, tactics, and devices to suppress illicitly the gold price are fully out in the open. One must wonder if the CFTC officials are asleep. We know Larry Summers is asleep on the job.

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