Sidon Int'l Resources

Sidon International Resources Edit this message From "Fast Facts"

VancouverBC; August 18, 2010

NEWS RELEASE: New Gold Discovery on Property Sparks Local Gold Rush


Sidon International Resources Corp.’s reports that it is commencing its geological mapping and sampling program on its optioned Prospecting Lease (PL) as well as to evaluating the material from the bulk sampling operations permitted under their Primary Mining Licenses (PML’s) and have arranged for some 30 25-35 kg bags of samples from the surrounding host rock of the vein to be processed at their facilities in Dar es Salaam. The company was in the process of collecting additional samples from the identified auriferous vein on one of the PML’s which is inside the PL boundaries and is also under option to the company, when it was interrupted by a new gold rush to the property by local gold miners.

This gold rush occurred after company geologist, Laurence Stephenson, had visited the property last week and started to rough delineate the southward continuation of the original discovery outcrop into the following valley. The gold discovery, approximately 300 metres south of the existing known workings and continuing southward to the Ruvu River, is located between 2-5 metres at depth to where they intersect the vein. Apparently the workings zig zag towards the river as they follow the “vein” and some gold is found on surface (possibly weathered vein material).

Although no grade or samples taken by Sidon personnel have been analyzed (they are being collected today) but the locals have reported that from a bucket of “sands” or material it has been reported that they are recovering between 2- 8 grams of gold and one bucket from the upper “sands” was reported to carry 23 grams of gold. These reports come from the site by the technical (non-geology) personnel of Sidon and have not been verified by a qualified person, but geological personnel will be on site in the next 2-3 days. They have reported that between 100-200 new local miners have rushed to the property.

This new discovery of the continuation of the auriferous horizon 300 metres from where they have been working for the last 5-10 years (although referred to as a vein geologist, Laurence Stephenson reports that it appears from initial investigation that it appears to be a stratiform unit) demonstrates how un-explored the whole PL has been.

Mr. Laurence Stephenson P.Eng. will visit the property later this week and provide a more geological update at that time. It should be noted that although the local gold rush miners have no legal status or right to mine gold on the company’s PL, Mr. Stephenson has noted, “They provide an inexpensive first round of exploration to outline the continuation of the gold horizon! It is kind of exciting to be in actual ongoing gold rush, with the village being relocated to the new workings as we speak! ”

In due course the Company will seek to remove the illegal miners.

The content of this release has been reviewed and approved by Laurence Stephenson, P.Eng. A qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

Sidon International Resources is a junior exploration company with interests in Saskatchewan Coal properties, gold silver claims in British Columbia, copper gold claims in Nevada, diamond properties in Northwest Territories, and significant potash acreage in Alberta,


Kamal Alawas

For further information contact:

Tel: (425) 493-4653
Fax: (425) 258-3366

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