Shoreham Resources Ltd's Profile

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Last changed at 03-Sep-2011 02:13AM by AGORACOM-GT

Management & Directors

  • David Bending P.Geo, M.Sc

    President & CEO

    (Geology, University of Toronto), P.Geo (1992, British Columbia), is a dedicated exploration geologist with 30 years of successful project acquisition, exploration, development and mining experience with major and junior resource companies. As President and CEO, he has dedicated himself to securing high quality advanced projects. He has been instrumental in significant gold and base metal discoveries in Canada, Mexico and South America and brings the company an extensive network of contacts, diverse technical and managerial strengths, and a passion for discovery. He is an aggressive and dynamic leader committed to the success of the company.

  • Glenn O’Gorman P.Eng, B.Sc.

    Vice President

    (Mining Engineering (1974), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario) has been actively working as an independent consulting mining engineer since 1999. His prior experience includes mine operations at senior management and corporate levels and as manager of mining for a large international consulting firm. He is also president of Duran Ventures Inc. and holds board and senior executive positions with a number of other junior exploration and mining companies. His contribution to the company utilizes his management and engineering skills to assist in day-to-day management of company projects and provide insight to direct exploration activities toward developing economically viable projects to early feasibility.

  • Brent McNiven B.Sc. Geology, MBA-PM

    Vice President, Explorations

    Mr. McNiven holds a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Calgary and an MBA in Project Management from Athabaska University. Brent is specialized in Exploration Project Management and Exploration Logistics and has an extensive background working worldwide is some of the most logistically and culturally challenging working environments such as Afghanistan, Tanzania, and Sudan as well as throughout South America. He has a long historical work connection with our Marudi Gold Project in Guyana and recently has been instrumental in rapidly advancing this project and discovering substantial additional potential on the property. He is especially adept at exploring in tropical environments and has had extensive experience therein in Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Costa Rica and Panama.

  • Peter Guichon, CGA

    Chief Financial Officer

    Mr. Peter Guichon received his CGA in British Columbia in 1983 and has been operating his own public practice preparing corporate financial statements and income tax returns, as well as preparing personal income tax returns. He is knowledgeable about the Company and has served as corporate secretary for Shoreham Resources Ltd. from March 2002 until May 2005 and CFO from May 2005 until March 2006 prior to the company being relocated to Toronto.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • SMH Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Shoreham Resources Ltd
Metals & Minerals
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