Shore Gold Inc.

SHORE GOLD INC. Saskatchewan Diamond Exploration

That is the important message that Paddie posted on the Investor Village board this morning. Paddie is not a member of this board so I felt it important to share his message here. Below please find his original post and my response.

As we head into the AGM, I want to urge all shareholders to file their proxy votes with the nominees of the SGFSA. Brent, Dave, Gord have been working tirelessly on behalf of shareholders for some time now and we need your support. Every vote is important, and the only way we can capture the attendtion of our BOD is with significant support from the entire shareholder base. More than ever we need a strong board of directors, not diluted by management appointees.

Brent and I have been trying to work with management for last three years, and we have learned that individual investors are almost completely ignored by MacNeill and company. Since the formation of our shareholder's group, we are learning that only large voting blocks can capture thier attention. Thus, your support is critical. Every vote counts.

I have known the above named individuals for several years and their efforts need to be applauded, and supported.

Well said Paddie. I am well aware and appreciate the efforts of the previous members of your small group in years past attempting to improve the lines of communication with both the BOD and Shore Gold management even though those efforts were all but ignored. Something had to change in the way we approached the Board of Directors so that they were more interested in actually listening to and looking after the best interests of their shareholders while trying to complete their mandate which was to increase the value of our mutual investment in Shore Gold.
I know that the majority of SGF's shareholders have grown tired of all the misinformation over the last 4+ years supplied by Ken MacNeill and his management team and believe that they must win back the trust of their shareholders, Newmont, and the markets that they are actually capable of meeting any milestone dates they promote before we will see any improvement in the value of our mutual investment here. In my opinion Shore Gold's management team have been more interested in lining their own pockets than actually moving toward the production decision for their first mine and providing timely reliable updates to their shareholders and those interested in investing in Shore Gold. If you agree than the time for action is now.
With the recent announcement of a new SGF Shareholders Association (SGFSA) we now have a very strong group of concerned shareholders who are prepared to represent our best interests at this years AGM and well into the future. I have privately corresponded with, shared a lot of information with, learned some interesting information from and gotten to know Brent, Dave, and Gord quite well over the years and can assure my fellow shareholders that we are very fortunate to have these strong individuals representing us at this time.
The SGFSA, with our help, have the opportunity to ask some very tough questions at this years AGM and with a strength in numbers that our proxy votes will represent they should get answers and a change in the way that we, the shareholder, are treated in the future. They will be changing the way that the Board of Directors of Shore Gold and their Management team choose to respond to and represent their shareholders in the future, imo.
Now they need our support. They need our proxies to make a difference. If you haven't already done so please... contact Brent, he will be happy to communicate with you. His contact info is
- Provide your name and e-mail address to allow further communication.
- Provide an accurate number of shares you represent.
With our support the SGFSA can truly make a difference. Please offer your proxies as your vote of confidence in our future. TIA
Duffer aka Kris
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