Seafield Resources

Seafield Resources Ltd Mazatlan, Mexico - Dryden, n/w Ontario - Fire project, ROF McFauld’s Lake On
over 13 years ago

note the cutoff is now .3 g/t

Seafield Announces Resources of 1,582,105 Ounces Gold at Miraflores Project, Quinchia, Colombia

10:28 EDT Thursday, May 26, 2011

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 26, 2011) - Seafield Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SFF) ("Seafield"or the "Company,") is pleased to announce an updated NI 43-101compliant resource estimate for its Miraflores property in the Quinchiadistrict, Colombia. This includes a Measured and Indicated resource of1,227,593 ounces of gold grading 0.9 g/t gold contained in 44,717,000tonnes at a cut off grade of 0.3 g/t Au. Additionally, the resourcecontains an Inferred resource of 354,512 ounces of gold grading 0.9 g/tgold in 12,252,000 tonnes at a cut off grade of 0.3 g/t Au.

This represents a significant increase in allcategories, from the previous inferred resource estimate of 776,000ounces at 1.295 g/t gold in 18,650 million tonnes, at a cut off grade of0.5 g/t, (see press release dated 20 April 2010). Updated geologicalinterpretations and increased drilling density have moved a significantproportion of the resources into the measured and indicated category.


0.2 30,515 0.7 686,740 25,972 0.7 584,500 56,487 0.7 1,271,240
0.3 24,097 0.9 697,247 20,620 0.8 530,346 44,717 0.9 1,227,593
0.4 18,213 1.0 585,548 16,447 1.0 528,771 34,660 1.0 1,114,319
0.5 14,734 1.2 568,438 12,720 1.1 449,843 27,454 1.2 1,018,281
0.6 11,815 1.4 531,793 10,167 1.2 392,243 21,982 1.3 924,036
0.7 9,834 1.5 474,245 8,396 1.4 377,904 18,230 1.5 852,149
0.8 8,414 1.6 432,816 7,055 1.5 340,227 15,469 1.6 773,044


INFERRED TONNES (*1000) 17,030 12,252 9,615 7,734 6,049 4,962 4,090
CUTOFF 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
GRADE (GRAMS/TONNE) 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.6
INFERRED OUNCES GOLD 383,260 354,512 309,122 298,378 252,818 239,292 210,390

The mineral resource estimate is based on 7,757metres of drilling in 22 diamond drill holes and 154 underground channelsamples. This includes 4,132 metres in 12 holes completed by Seafieldin October 2010 (see press releases of results dated December 2, 1010and February 14, 2011), and 3,624 metres in 10 holes carried out byAngloGold Ashanti and B2Gold in 2006-2007.

The Miraflores property is located within theQuinchia gold mining district and has been the site of artisanal miningsince Pre-Columbian times. The Miraflores deposit occurs within ahydrothermal breccia pipe which is roughly circular in shape, measuringsome 280 metres by 250 metres in outcrop. It has been traced by drillingfor over 600 metres in vertical extent and remains open at depth.Recently updated geological interpretations show that the breccia pipeis wider at depth than previously thought.


Seafield will shortly start a second drill program atMiraflores for expansion and infill drilling, to define the shape ofthe deposit better, and to extend the mineralization laterally and atdepth, where it remains open. A program of preliminary metallurgicaltest work is also underway at McClelland Laboratories Inc in Sparks,Nevada.

Drilling continues in the Dosquebradas area of theSeafield property in an area that was previously drilled by Anglo Gold.Results will be released when the drilling in Dosquebradas is complete.Acquisition activities are also underway for other excellent goldtargets as defined by previous soil and rock sampling.

Cesar Lopez, President and CEO of Seafield, statedthat "I am very pleased with this new resource in Miraflores as itrepresents a significant increase with respect to the previouslyreported resource and is an important step in the development of theproject. It also provides an excellent basis for Seafield to commissionfurther studies on the project, which will be incorporated into ascoping level study to be initiated this year."

Qualified Person - Scott Wilson ofScott E. Wilson Consulting, Inc. of Englewood, Colorado prepared theMiraflores Project resource estimates. The Company will file a NI 43-101technical report in support of the technical information in this pressrelease within 45 days.

Mr. Wilson is an independent qualified person asdefined by National Instrument 43-101 and has prepared or reviewed thepreparation of the information which forms the basis of this pressrelease. He is a Certified Professional Geologist and member of theAmerican Institute of Professional Geologists (CPG #10965) and aRegistered Member (#4025107) of the Society of Mining and Metallurgy andExploration, Inc., a professional association and designationrecognized by the Canadian regulatory authorities. Mr. Wilson verifiedthe data disclosed in this release, including the sampling, analyticaland test data underlying the information contained in this release.Verification included a review and validation of the applicable assaydatabases and reviews of assay certificates.

Sample Preparation, Assays, QA/QC.The Seafield core samples were split by rock saw and half of the corewas sampled. Core samples were crushed and pulverized by SGS at theirlaboratory in Medellin and were assayed at the SGS laboratory in Lima,Peru. Gold was analyzed by fire assay on a 30 gram sample with atomicadsorption spectrophotometer (AAS) finish. Samples above 5.0 g/t Au wererepeated by fire assay on a 30 gram sample with gravimetric finish.Blank, standard and duplicate samples were routinely inserted forquality assurance and quality control. Silver and other metals wereanalyzed in a multiple element package by multiacid digestion andinductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy finish (ICP).

This news release includes certain "forwardlooking statements" within the meaning of that phrase under Canadiansecurities laws. Without limitation, statements regarding potentialmineralization and resources, exploration results, and future plans andobjectives of the Company are forward looking statements that involvevarious degrees of risk. Forward-looking statements reflect management'scurrent views with respect to possible future events and conditionsand, by their nature, are based on management's beliefs and assumptionsand subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, both generaland specific to the Company. Although the Company believes theexpectations expressed in such forward-looking statements arereasonable, such statements are not guarantees of future performance andactual results or developments may differ materially from those in ourforward-looking statements. The following are important factors thatcould cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from thoseexpressed or implied by such forward looking statements: changes in theworld wide price of commodities, general market conditions, risksinherent in exploration, risks associated with development, constructionand mining operations, the uncertainty of future profitability and theuncertainty of access to additional capital. Additional informationregarding the material factors and assumptions that were applied inmaking these forward looking statements as well as the various risks anduncertainties we face are described in greater detail in the "RiskFactors" section of our annual and interim Management's Discussion andAnalysis of our financial results and other continuous disclosuredocuments and financial statements we file with the Canadian securitiesregulatory authorities which are available at Company undertakes no obligation to update this forward-lookinginformation except as required by applicable law. The Company relies onlitigation protection for forward looking statements.


David MacMillan
Seafield Resources Ltd.
Investor Relations
416-367-4571 ext. 226
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