San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.
in response to Agorafan's message

Agorafan, your knowledge allows you to see the big picture, but lets think back to the begining of the picture when young San struggled to get the old SanAntonio going. Operations required expertice to Train personel for high wage positions while the boys realised big dollars were needed as bills were mounting. The exploration was banging out oz"s/tn` but in distant places that require development. The gang decided to invite deep pockets Ned to bail them out as Ned knows geology and could see the results of yrs of drilling. I think the boys got lucky because by finding the rich hinges they can now go after this low hanging fruit and achieve high production at a low cost and now again with Neds monet can play Pc-Man San and jump from hinge to hinge while deep drilling proves up the massive structures below 6500 ft.. I see Ned comming to the rescue a third time as a deep shaft down to 7,000 ft would be more efficient. Thinking back to mirrors , the cartwright was said to be identical to San so fair to say a 4 million + 4 in the main mine + 1 in the Gabreil + 1 in SG1 + 1 in SG3 + at least 1 in each of the Coabina, emporer, L13,good for 3 million and + the huge parallel structure running beside the Sam Unit, oH I FORGOT THE 3 MILLION IN THE 007. I recall yrs back reading of drill core at 1500 ft hitting 1;2 oz/tn. This WinGold strucure could add a fortune to Sans bottom line and our share price. Drilling to - Date has targeted ALOT OF these veins so no hyping just the facts and more in-fill drilling to prove it up which in turn gives San over ten million oz 43-101. But wait their is more, speaking of mirrors we hear through the conduit that not only voices could be heard but gold was running fieresly through the GoldenFairWays cracks. San decided to JV these Strike Point claims as the magnetic and lidar images gave a good reflection of herself. San has the option of own 50 % of these claims and with Bill Ferrirea and team are currently drilling to prove up the extention of a magnetic structure showing a 1.5 km pattern. Long On The Greens. Traps7

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