San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.
  1. Wow, what a gathering of big money. I felt like a kid in a candy store seeing row upon row of booths advertising their goods. I must say the appeal was very professional. I spoke to more than one company ( friends ) that were looking to raise capital and gatherd that the Institutions where trying to squeeze you by the ....s as they like to do. I read the back post by others that were at the show and their take was accurate as we all seem gather one or two different conclusions on what we hear.............................................................................................2, I guess both SGR and SKP have up-dated their web sites which we should see tomorrow, I also had a chance to talk to Bill as he gave detail on how the Ross Pluton errupted. Bill said through the gravitational force and spinning action the flow of hot magma swirled in a rotation that gives this East West direction and showed on a chart the exit points on the West and East sides which seems to cover our 8 km strike zone. Bill showed me some geology details and explained using the analogy of a deck of card as you fan shape them open you will see how the circles get sqeezed and become oblong as is what happen from our pluton erruption which cause they magma to flow. I also seen the sample from the deep West with vissible gold but was left to draw my own conclusion as i was told it was just a chip sample which was different then the 007 hinges. I guess if i was a betting man then could this be apart of the 007 at the deeps which is heading West.......................................................................................................................3. I talk to Dale and he felt the markets were down across the board and SGR may have seen some sellers trying to take advantage of the flowthrouh but was uncertain and said the flowthrough was tightly held...............................................4. Like i mention in the past page 183 of the ACA Howe report shows 7 anomalies which are likly the 96, a ,c structures and we see 3 mark West and 3 mark East which could be a hinge or two.....5. I guess after talking to the WEL guys and the SKP guys i gather they are waiting for San to lead the pack with good news and i sence that their is somehing big coming which well benifit the whole area very soon but this is just my gut felling. The WEL guys are trying to work on a package to extend the May warrants but no details and i gather through Private money their is a connection with Golden Pockets and they are waiting for San to raise their value as they have had previous drilling and know they have value and think they are better off to wait.6...I hear SKP is going to start the drill program on the Poundmaker any time and one of WEL geologist is on board along with Geo Science out of Alberta. I gather that SKP and SGR were happy with the LIDAR results and SKP and SGR well both put their expertise together and try to extend the results on the Greens. I heard rumblings of San looking to expand but not sure wheir. I gather that the whole bunch of San and SKP guys are not trying to sell anything but leave one to figure out for them selves that the Rice Lake has alot of gold, but my take is that the whole bunch of SGR and SKP guys know they have alot of gold as you can see them grinning ear to ear. Bill mention that the most depth he could get from drilling from surface was 1200 ft after which the drill would lose direction after that so more dependant on under ground drilling at depth...Long On The Golden FairWay. Traps7
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