San Gold Corporation

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in response to Somchai's message

LOL! ;o))...................

What is the public to believe? Here are facts: Earth’s climate is always changing due to many factors that are too complex for scientists (forget politicians) to model accurately. The Sun is the biggest long-term factor on our climate, & while we can predict some solar cycles, we can’t understand or predict them all. Simply put, our Sun is a gigantic nuclear reactor with a surface temperature of about 6000 C. that can suddenly hurl solar flares thousands of miles into space & bombard Earth with nuclear particles. It’s certain the Sun has an enormous effect on our weather & climate. It controls life on Earth to such a great extent that if the Sun stopped shining, Earth would freeze & life as we know it would end in a matter of hours. It’s not hard to imagine that slight fluctuations in our nuclear reactor Sun could have dramatic effects on Earth’s climate—Al Gore’s protests aside.

Volcanoes can have dramatic short-term cooling effects on weather & climate, lasting from days to a few years. Geologic history tells us that about 114,000 yrs ago Earth underwent massive cooling and glaciers advanced globally. Then suddenly, about 10,000 yrs ago after 100,000 yrs of ice, global warming arrived (can’t blame that one on SUVs) & glaciers began receding. Many scientists say we’re still warming from the last ice age, but that won’t stop the global warming alarmists from blaming man so they have an excuse to impose taxes & controls on human behavior.

It’s vital that our courageous readers in many countries let their govt representatives know they will not stand for this fraudulent assault on their freedoms & pocketbooks. Tell them to vote against IPCC & Cap & Trade policies. As we’ve said before, a clean, green world is something we should all work hard to achieve. We can practice good conservation in all aspects of our lives, fight pollution at every turn, make our world better for our kids & grandkids. But it’s an outright assault on all of us when govts fraudulently try to subvert our good-conscience-intentions toward their selfish, Big Brother ends. Ralph Peters (NY Post, Dec 12) says: “There is some justice in this prankster universe: Those ideology-driven scientists have done colossal damage to the extremist platform for which they cheated, lied & bullied. Clean air? You betcha. But let’s have clean science too. And honest accounting.” —Gordon Frisch @ HSL

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