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I couldn't have said this better myself and fully agree with the following which is why life as I know it over the last few years has drastically changed. Too much research has pretty much soured my outlook on the global reality which has led recently to too much worrying and not enough living. Time to change all that this year and get some serious FO $$$ to kiss those f$%#*s goodbye.

The global elite determined long ago that uncontrolled Malthusian growth is turning THEIR planet into a filthy cesspool. The exponential growth of the consumer economy, if allowed to continue unabated, will destroy what remains of the earth’s limited resources and sully its original, pristine nature beyond recognition.

The global elite believe this destruction of the environment threatens their quality of life and the future quality of life of their offspring. Consequently, they have embarked on an ambitious, multi-staged plan to engineer an ecologically sustainable world economy subject, of course, to their absolute dominion and control.

The plan requires the careful and deliberate orchestration of a series of financial, military and political crises.

To exploit the current financial crisis and establish an “eco-friendly” habitat grounded in sustainable economic development, the global elite have co-opted the financial reform and environmental protection movements. It is no accident that Hank Paulson is an avid environmentalist.

The overall strategy is to transform the financial system in a manner that will facilitate a centrally planned global economy regulated and controlled by a select cadre of economic planners, financiers and technocrats. In order to effectuate the sought after transformation, the global elite have engaged in a process of controlled demolitions whereby the most critical financial institutions, government agencies and corporations are preserved while those that threaten the consensus agenda are either severely weakened or terminated.

The global elite, knowing full well that CDOs, CDS and other exotic financial derivatives, combined with lax regulation and underwriting standards represent the ultimate financial weapons of mass destruction, encouraged the widespread use of unregulated derivatives while making sure any individuals, such as Brooksley Born, who objected were marginalized.

The fallout from the unraveling of the derivatives monster gives the global elite an opportunity to foist upon a mostly unsuspecting world regulation and control over virtually every aspect of human activity through an international monetary system and carbon use regulations. It provides the perfect launching pad for a series of new regulatory measures that will be implemented by preselected international organizations. That is why government regulation of derivatives will not happen.

Many individuals who consider themselves members of the ruling class in their respective countries are considered obstacles to be removed by the global elite. The global elite will destroy the power base of the ruling classes in various countries and regions of the world. And, where appropriate, the global elite will transform by force non-compliant individuals and organizations into compliancy.

The UN, World Bank, IMF, FSB, BIS, et. al. are the premiere international regulatory bodies that will be utilized to perform the heavy lifting when it comes to establishing, maintaining and enforcing a comprehensive set of global trade, financial and environmental regulations.

The upcoming conflicts between warring factions of the global elite and any remaining dissenting members of the ruling classes, with vested interests in keeping the nation state status quo, will likely create significant collateral damage. There will be massive resistance sometimes violent by certain groups as they become increasingly aware of the assault on their privileges and status. The global elite will utilize the growing dissatisfaction among large segments of the population to take down any resistance whether it hails from the political Left or Right.

The climate change initiative is a proxy movement the global elite will exploit to advance their agenda to control and limit world economic growth. By its very nature, the climate change initiative requires the diminished sovereignty of national organizations over industrial policy in favor of compliant global institutions. Allocation of permits to emit so-called greenhouse gases and carbon taxes will allow the global elite to determine which industries and corporations are allowed to prosper and which ones are not.

Not surprisingly, the global elite have a problem convincing the leadership of both developed and underdeveloped nations that they should sacrifice their potential economic development in the interest of reducing pollution and preserving the environment. The populations of underdeveloped nations naturally believe they are entitled to the realization of their material aspirations just like everybody else. The populations of developed nations would like to maintain their current high standard of material consumption and add to it as well.

Consequently, the global elite must bankrupt the governments in each nation state and then offer to bail them out in exchange for the adoption of austerity measures which will include specific carbon emission limitations. The Copenhagen meeting was the forum for the global elite to negotiate the general provisions of the envisioned world government that will administer this new environmental regulatory regime. The supposed fallout between China and the US was merely propaganda for domestic political consumption to obscure what is in reality behind the scenes unanimity. Eventually a definitive agreement will be reached and Obama will be touted as a great statesman for getting China to eventually cave when in reality Obama is enslaving the US population to serve the purposes of the global elite.

So we should expect, in the not too distant future, another major financial crisis that will most likely manifest itself in the unwinding of the USD carry trade whereby a number of countries, because of the insolvency of their major financial institutions who have foolishly leveraged themselves once again in USD denominated debts, are then forced to come to the IMF for a bailout.

ZH has previously discussed the fact that European banks alone are sitting on over $10 Trillion of USD denominated debt much of it owed by non-US countries and corporations with severe duration funding mismatches as documented by BIS reports, naturally.

Hyperinflation would mean that all USD denominated external debt of developed and developing countries could no longer be used as leverage to force acceptance of austerity measures and carbon emission controls. Hyperinflation, by its very nature, would preclude any potential for sovereign debt default. That's why it will never happen in USD.

Consequently, the global elite and their central banking hand maidens will take all necessary measures to prevent hyperinflation in USD. Deflationary collapse is the best tool for maintaining their leverage over USD denominated debtors and forcing the handing over of national sovereignty to the IMF in exchange for bailouts.

The defaulting nations will be required to accept the carbon tax and regulations that were established in Copenhagen and to adopt SDRs as the currency for repayment of bailout funds. SDRs will become the mandatory currency for funding and performing transactions in carbon trading and derivatives markets enabling the eventual transition to a single global currency regulated by a world government, thereby, fulfilling the dreams of the global elite for world domination and control.

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