Sabina Silver Corp's Profile

Welcome To The Sabina Silver Corp HUB On AGORACOM Moving to Feasability

Sabina Silver Corporation Overview

August 8, 2007




is a Canadian public mineral exploration and development company with assets at the Hackett River silver-zinc project in the Canadian Arctic, the Del Norte project in the Stewart-Eskay Creek Mining District, and several projects in the Red Lake gold camp. Sabina Silver Corporation is well financed with approximately C$49 million in cash ($95 million fully diluted) and approximately C$5.5 million in investments in Premier Gold Mines Inc. (PG:TSX;2.8MM; 3%). The company is now fully financed to carry out it’s new business model to a bankable feasibility study of the Hackett River Project. A positive Preliminary Economic Assessment was completed in March, 2007 by Wardrop Engineering.

Hackett River Project

• Company focus is its 100%-owned

Hackett River Project, a 47 million tonne (Indicated) polymetallic asset made up of three bulk mineable deposits in close proximity, grading 4-5% zinc and approximately 5 oz silver per tonne on average (plus important byproduct copper, lead and gold)

• According to Wardrop Engineering, the project has a discounted NPV at 10% of ~$250 million and an IRR of 20.6%

• Sabina has approximately $53 million in working capital (~$0.81/share); current working capital should take the project through full bankable feasibility

• The Hackett River Project has the potential to produce approximately 12 million ounces silver, 147,500 tonnes zinc, 20 million pounds copper, 37 million pounds lead and 17,000 oz gold per year at a milling rate of 10,000 tonnes per day of ore over an initial 13.6 year mine life (Wardrop Engineering, March, 2007). This places Sabina

into a comparable category with senior silver sector producers

• Strategic shareholding by Silver Wheaton including a “right of first refusal on Sabina’s ultimate silver stream”. With open timeframe and terms to be negotiated, Silver

Wheaton has the right to match Sabina’s best available commercial terms. A silver stream deal potentially covers off a portion of the capital costs of construction of a large mine at Hackett River (10,000 tonnes per day for 13.6 years under the current 43-101 study)

• Sabina has a target price of $4.70/share based on 1x NAV using US$0.60 zinc price

(Research Capital).

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Hackett River contains a recently delivered NI 43-101 compliant Mineable Resource based on 2006 drilling at Hackett River:

Del Norte

Sabina has an option to earn up to 65% of the Del Norte Silver-Gold Property in the Stewart-Eskay Creek mining district (announced October 3-05). The Eskay Creek-style geological environment shows high grade gold and silver mineralization in a quartz vein breccia in close association with a volcanic-sediment (mudstone) contact. Drill results to

date at the Del Norte Project include bonanza precious metal grades of 110oz/ton silver and 2.08oz/ton gold over 2.8ft within a 51 foot mineralized interval grading 0.363 oz/ton gold equivalent (November 21, 2005 press release).

Recent results from the

2006 drilling program confirm the silver and gold rich nature of the mineralizing system at Del Norte. The Eskay Creek geological model continues to bear fruit and generate new targets between contact style quartz vein breccia hosted gold and silver mineralization and numerous conductive exhalites in the black mudstones at Del Norte. A base metal and precious metal enriched exhalite in mudstone forms the main ore body at the Eskay Creek Mine (70km northwest) which produced over 15 million ounces silver and approximately 250,000 ounces gold in 2004.

Red Lake

Sabina also retains an interest and is actively exploring on

four promising gold projects in the Red Lake mining district. A fifth property, the Follansbee was the site of a gold discovery by Sabina, announced February 14, 2005. Sabina’s interest in the Follansbee was sold to its joint venture partner, Wolfden Resources Inc. in November, 2005 for $2 million in cash and 4 million Wolfden shares and rights to a 1% NSR on the Follansbee portion of the Bonanza deposit. The deal was a win-win for Sabina and Wolfden shareholders and maintained Sabina’s close ties to its historical roots in Red Lake and in what will hopefully become Red Lake’s next producing gold mine.

Corporate Information

• Symbol: SBB

• Principal Exchange: TSX Venture Exchange

• Other Trading Exchanges: SBBFF:OTC; RXC:FR

• Working Capital Cash and Investments: $53 million

Last changed at 19-Oct-2012 01:51AM by thebluenote

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Broker Fact Sheet

  • SBB Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Sabina Silver Corp
197 Million Fully Diluted
Metals & Minerals
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