SGX Resources Inc.'s Profile

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SGX Resources Inc. has acquired a number of properties, totaling approximately 3500 hectares along the prolific gold producing belt of Timmins. Ontario. These properties lie along splays or cross-faults of the Porcupine-Destor Fault which is considered to be the controlling structure in the camp.

The company is conducting exploration programs including diamond drilling, on these properties. The company has also recently acquired a large 5000 hectare property 60 kilometers south of Timmins, along the western extension of the Kirkland Lake break. Exploration of this area will commence immediately.
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The Properties (as of Oct. 29, 2009) comprise:
(1) Big Marsh
The Big Marsh property consists of ten claims (76 units or 1,216 hc.) in the eastern part of
Carscallen Twp. extending from Big Marsh Lake to the Bristol Twp. boundary. This property has
had full coverage of VLF and magnetic surveys (approximately 120 km), and about 60%
coverage of I.P. survey. In addition, ten “BQ” diamond drill holes have been put down on
chargeability anomalies for a total of 1,792 meters or 5,879 feet. This summer, a soil sampling
(MMI) program, comprising of in excess of 1000 samples, has been conducted on the main part
of the claim block in order to prioritize anomalies. At present, infill samples are being taken to
better define the results.
Further diamond drilling is being planned to test coincident MMI and I.P. anomalies.
(2) Carscallen West
This property consists of a single claim containing fifteen units or 240 hectares to the west of
Big Marsh Lake and detached from the Big Marsh block. It has had full coverage of geophysics
including VLF, magnetics, and I.P for a total of 23 km. Several anomalous areas were detected
by the surveys, but none of these have been drill tested.
A soil sampling program is planned in order to prioritized the anomalous areas.
(3) Bristol West
The Bristol West property contains four claims or 25 units (400 hectares) along the western
edge of Bristol Twp. It is contiguous with the Big Marsh property to the west and the property of
West Timmins to the east. It has had partial I.P, VLF and magnetic coverage. But these
surveys are presently in progress and about 18 km of geophysics will be completed. Two lines
of soil survey have been done (64 samples) indicating anomalous coincidence between
elevated MMI returns and a chargeability high.
The completion of the geophysical survey on the northern part of the block is planned in order to
define the chargeability anomaly. Diamond drilling is definitely warranted.
(4) Bristol North
Recently acquired, this property consists of two claims containing a total of eight units or 128
hectares along the northern boundary of Bristol Twp. It lies in contact with the property of West
Timmins to the south. No work has been done on this property up to the present but a
geophysical survey is planned for this fall.
(5) West Ogden
The West Ogden property consists of two claims containing 24 units or 384 hectares in the
northwest corner of Ogden Twp. It lies in contact with a large Goldcorp property to the south.
The eastern half of the claim block has had complete coverage of I.P.,VLF and magnetic
surveying for a total of 22.5 km. Four “BQ” diamond drill holes have been completed with the
total distance being 606 meters or 2000 feet.
Some attention will be paid to the western half of the property particularly in the south.
(6) Delnor
The Delnor property contains two claims or 14 units (224 hectares) in north central Deloro
Township to the south of the Delnite and Aunor properties of Goldcorp and to the west of the
Ankerite property of V.G. Gold. It has been largely covered by VLF and magnetic surveys
(approximately 14 km) and about 70% covered by I.P.
A surface stripping program has exposed about 1000 square meters of subcrop from which
some 100 character samples have been taken and analysed. The returns have indicated two
areas of elevated gold values coinciding with anomalous chargeability. Drill testing of these
areas is planned.
(7) Lynx
The Lynx property is a single claim containing 10 units or 160 hectares in the west central part
of Deloro Twp to the south of the Delnor. It had had complete coverage of both VLF and
magnetics for a total of about 16 Km. A former MMI program has indicated elevated trace
element values in one area.
A short I.P. program is planned on selected areas.
(8) Hunter
This property consists of four patented claims with a total area of 64 hectares lying to the
immediate east of the Lynx property. An “in close” geophysical survey (10 km) on 50 m lines
consisting of VLF, magnetics, and I.P. has been completed.
A surface stripping program designed to extend gold mineralization from a previously mined
area has exposed some 800 square meters of supcrop. Only one of about 100 character
samples returned elevated gold values. However one anomalous area could not be stripped and
will have to be drill tested.
(9) Big Dyke
The Big Dyke property consisted originally of one claim containing five units or 80 hectares. But
it has recently been expanded to five claims containing 13 units or 208 hectares by acquisitions.
It is located in the eastern part of Deloro Twp. adjoining the property of Goldcorp to the north.
The original claim has been covered by “close in” VLF, magnetic, and I.P. geophysics totaling
18 km, and one other claim has had some MMI and I.P. work (1.2 km).
A surface stripping program has exposed in excess of 1,500 square meters of subcrop mainly in
the northern sector. Several hundred surface character samples have yielded elevated values in
gold in five localities. These are presently being drill tested. Six holes have been completed
totaling about 600 meters or 1,980 feet.
(10) Bow Tie
This small two claim four unit property contains some fifty hectares of area. It lies to the
immediate north of the Big Dyke property and adjoins the Goldcorp property. The claims have
complete coverage of magnetic and I.P. geophysics (five km). Further work would depend upon
the results of the program on the Big Dyke property.
This property is in Shaw Twp. along the eastern boundary of Deloro Twp. adjoining the
Goldcorp property to the northwest. It consists of a single claim of six units or 96 hc. It has had
complete coverage of I.P. and magnetic surveys totaling 12 km. A surface stripping program
has exposed about 500 square meters or subcrop in an effort to expose anomalous areas.
Some character samples have been taken. Assay results are pending.
(12) Slade
The Slade property consists of a single claim containing 7 units or 112 hectares in the southeast
quarter of Deloro Twp. It has recently received an MMI survey (132 samples)
(13) Matheson-German
This property lies across the border between the two Townships along their southern
boundaries between the properties of Moneta and St. Andrews. It consists of two claims or eight
units (128 hc.) No work has been done on the property as it has recently been acquired.
However, a geophysical survey is planned in the near future.
Totals to date since inception of Timmins activities
Claims : 35 Units : 206 Hectares : 3,282
Drill holes : 20 Meters : 2,998 Feet : 9859
Geophysics I.P. : 191 km VLF-magnetics : 259 km
Stripping : 3,800 square met
Last changed at 01-Sep-2013 02:35PM by mineralfan

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