Roxmark Mines's Profile

high grade gold & moly 15 Gold properties & 1 Molybdenum resource - Beardmore & Geraldton, N/W Ontario.

Roxmark Mines Limited, Toronto ON, TSX.V : RMK., is the leader in gold and molybdenum exploration and development in the prolific and historically significant Geraldton-Beardmore area of Northwest Ontario.

Currently, Roxmark is planning to re-open the Northern Empire Mine based on exciting results of 2007 and 2008 diamond drilling programs, encouraging geological assessments in a 43-101-compliant Qualifying Report, and cost advantages of existing infrastructure, including an onsite mill.

Roxmark’s 15 properties cover 14,700 acres and include, in addition to the Northern Empire, five other formerly highly productive gold mines and Nortoba-Tyson, an important new molybdenum/gold project with high grade gold showings and extensive moly resources.

The six gold mines produced nearly two million oz. from high grade ore (three mines in the Beardmore camp produced more than 1 million ounces of gold at an average recovered grade of 0.70 oz Au/ton), but were closed primarily due to a $35 gold price and boundary issues Roxmark has eliminated by consolidating land holdings.

These mines offer existing infrastructure above and below ground which will reduce the cost and speed the pace of future development.

Roxmark Highlights

  • Properties include infrastructure, parallel occurences and extensions from six mines which produced nearly 2MM oz
  • Resources include high grade gold and molybdenum, both of which have been bulk sampled and processed for sale at Roxmark’s fully-permitted 200 TPD onsite mill
  • A Joint Venture with Premier Gold has accelerated exploration of the Geraldton Camp which is generating exciting results.
  • Extensive diamond drilling at surface and underground at the Northern Empire , as recommended by a 43-101 Report, is planned as the next step in reopening the Mine.
  • The Nortoba-Tyson property in the Beardmore Camp has extensive moly resources along with important gold showings, which are being further assessed

Ongoing programs accelerate gold, moly development:

In 2007 and 2008, Roxmark completed important diamond drilling programs at the Northern Empire Mine (which produced nearly 150,000 oz of gold) in the Beardmore Camp, following up on previous promising drilling. 2007 results released in a 43-101 report, indicate resources grading 0.42 oz of Au/T.

Additional lands along strike and with gold showings have been aquired and surface mapping and exploration is underway. The nearby 200-TPD gold and moly mill has been extensively upgraded.

A Joint Venture agreement with Premier Gold has spurred a three-rig drilling program on Roxmark lands in the Geraldton Camp--with very exciting results.

Roxmark is further delineating moly resources at Nortoba-Tyson and assessing production techniques. Promising gold showings at N-T are also being assessed

Over the past five years, Roxmark has:

  • Upgraded its onsite Northern Empire Mill (now 200 TPD, expandable to 500 TPD) to enable processing of both gold and molybdenum, adding a gravity concentrator and new flotation circuit and dryer to maximize efficiency
  • Surface bulk sampled 800 tons of gold from East Leitch and more than 2,000 tons of moly ore from Nortoba-Tyson and processed both through the mill
  • Conducted an 1,865-metre diamond drilling program on the Nortoba-Tyson property which further delineated and extended the strike length (717 metres) and depth (>1,000 ft.) of the molybdenum mineral deposit, and assessed the structural characteristics of the veins and rock wall
  • Carried out diamond drilling programs in 2007 and 2008 at the Northern Empire Mine which established, in an updated 43-101 report dated November 8, 2008, a threshold of gold resources which the Company believes will be sufficient to support re-opening of the mine--beginning with the 3,500-4,000-ton underground bulk sample recommended in the report.

For 2009, Roxmark has raised $1.35 million to support an active diamond drilling program which will further delineate gold resources at The Northern Empire and Nortoba-Tyson, following up on previous years' drilling and a promising aerial magnetometer survey carried out late in 2008.

The Company is also assessing new strategic mining approaches to reduce the cost and improve the payback of initial underground development at The Northern Empire.

In addition, Roxmark is an active participant in The Hardrock Project, a joint venture with Premier Gold Limited to develop a number of Geraldton Camp properties.

In 2009, as operator, Premier will be spending an estimated $8 million dollars to carry out a 50,000-meter drilling program directed at establishing threshold resources for early commercial development of both open-pittable and underground resources.

Beardmore Molybdenum and Gold Project

Nortoba-Tyson Project

Beardmore Gold Properties

Northern Empire Mine Property*

Sand River Mine Property*

Leitch Mine Property*

East Leitch Property

Geraldton Gold Properties

Magnet Mine Property*

McLellan Joint Venture Property

Bankfield Mine Property*

Little Long Lac Mine Property*

Algoma Lease

Placer Dome-Key Lake Property

Last changed at 03-Sep-2011 02:06AM by AGORACOM-GT

Management & Directors

  • Managemenrt

    & Directors

    Philip F. Cunningham, Chairman

    Philip F. Cunningham has been a director of the company since August 2004 and Chairman since May 2005. Mr. Cunningham was formerly executive vice president of Mackenzie Financial Corporation and chairman of Mackenzie Financial Services Inc.

    Monir Younan, President,

    Monir Younan has been a director since 1979 and was appointed President of the Company in February 2006. He has over 35 years of experience in the mining field in Canada, including exploration, development and operation for both gold and base metal mines. He holds a B.Sc. in mining engineering.

    James A. “Jay” Richardson, CFO

    James A. “Jay” Richardson was appointed Secretary-Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer in 2006. He has been a Canadian Chartered Accountant since 1970 and has broad experience in the fields of business advisory, transaction, turnaround and process management. Mr. Richardson has held several positions and directorships in a number of publicly listed companies and formerly was a partner of Clarkson Gordon, Arthur Young (Singapore) and KPMG (UK). He has been a director since January 2005 and is also currently a director of Argus Corporation.

    Thomas Atkins, Director

    Thomas Atkins has been a director since October 2005. Mr. Atkins is Presidnet and CEO of Castle Gold Corporation. He has a Bachelors degree in geology and a Masters degree in business administration and has more than 20 years of experience in the mining industry gained through positions in exploration and project development, finance, corporate development, and investor relations.

    Jeffrey W. Elliott, Director

    Jeffrey W. Elliott has been a director since January 2005 and a consultant to major North American companies, specializing in financial communications, for nearly 30 years. He was previously a director of a TSX-listed Canadian company and is currently president of Jeffrey Elliott Communications Inc. of Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Broker Fact Sheet

  • GRC Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Roxmark Mines
108 m FD
Metals & Minerals
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