Rogue Resources Inc.

Flagship Iron Ore and Nickel Projects in World Class Mining District of Timmins Ontario Rogue Resources Inc. is well positioned to discover and capitalize on world class gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc, platinum and palladium deposits in North America.

Sorry, I don't know how to eliminate the Bold. This does not look good from any angle. It does not say there is no issue, it says there is no issue since Apr 09. There is no outiside the company audit since then either. They didn't bother to tell us either. I dug it up on the TSX. Anyone?



(the “Company”)

TO: MacKay LLP

AND TO: Morgan & Company

AND TO: British Columbia Securities Commission

Alberta Securities Commission

TSX Venture Exchange

AND TO: All Holders of Common Shares in the Capital of the Company

Please be advised that at a meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors held on July 29, 2010, the

Company decided to change auditors from MacKay LLP and approved the appointment of Morgan &

Company effective July 29, 2010.

The Company reports that there have been no reservations in the auditor’s reports of MacKay LLP for

the financial year ended April 30, 2009 or for the period from the Company’s date of incorporation, April

20, 1982 to April 30, 2009 reported on by MacKay LLP and, in the opinion of the Company, there have

been no “reportable events” (as defined below).

For the purposes of this notice, National Instrument 51

102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations (“NI 51

102”) states that a “reportable event” means a disagreement, a consultation, or an unresolved issue

between the Company and its former auditor, MacKay LLP. Disagreement, consultation or unresolved

issue are defined in NI 51

102 as follows:


” means a difference of opinion between personnel of a reporting issuer

responsible for finalizing the reporting issuer’s financial statements and the personnel of a former

auditor responsible for authorizing the issuance of audit reports on the reporting issuer’s financial

statements or authorizing the communication of the results of the auditor’s review of the reporting

issuer’s interim financial statements, if the difference of opinion

a) resulted in a reservation in the former auditor’s audit report on the reporting issuer’s

financial statements for any period during the relevant period;

b) would have resulted in a reservation in the former auditor’s audit report on the

reporting issuer’s financial statements for any period during the relevant period if the

difference of opinion had not been resolved to the former auditor’s satisfaction, not

including a difference of opinion based on incomplete or preliminary information that

was resolved to the satisfaction of the former auditor upon the receipt of further


c) resulted in a qualified or adverse communication or denial of assurance in respect of the

former auditor’s review of the reporting issuer’s interim financial statements for any

interim period during the relevant period; or

d) would have resulted in a qualified or adverse communication or denial of assurance in

respect of the former auditor’s review of the reporting issuer’s interim financial

statements for any interim period during the relevant period if the difference of opinion

had not been resolved to the former auditor’s satisfaction, not including a difference of

opinion based on incomplete or preliminary information that was resolved to the

satisfaction of the former auditor upon the receipt of further information;


” means advice provided by a successor auditor, whether or not in writing, to a

reporting issuer during the relevant period, which the successor auditor concluded was an

important factor considered by the reporting issuer in reaching a decision concerning

a) the application of accounting principles or policies to a transaction, whether or not the

transaction is completed;

b) a report provided by an auditor on the reporting issuer’s financial statements;

c) scope or procedure of an audit or review engagement; or

d) financial statement disclosure;

unresolved issue

” means any matter that, in the former auditor’s opinion, has, or could have, a

material impact on the financial statements, or reports provided by the auditor relating to the

financial statements, for any financial period during the relevant period, and about which the

former auditor has advised the reporting issuer if

a) the former auditor was unable to reach a conclusion as to the matter’s implications

before the date of termination or resignation;

b) the matter was not resolved to the former auditor’s satisfaction before the date of

termination or resignation; or

c) the former auditor is no longer willing to be associated with any of the financial


Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 29


day of July 2010.




/s/ “Stephen Pearce

Stephen Pearce, Chief Financial Officer

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