Rogue Resources Inc.

Flagship Iron Ore and Nickel Projects in World Class Mining District of Timmins Ontario Rogue Resources Inc. is well positioned to discover and capitalize on world class gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc, platinum and palladium deposits in North America.
in response to clever1's message

Not much to say. I do drop by daily to read the latest, after all we are all neighbors :)

I do like that Nickel is staying above 7 bucks. I like that the LME inventory is dropping as well. The local Sudbury strikes may also have an impact on the short term supply as well. Even the Montcalm mishap is something that may create opportunity for others.

See Ford's earnings today? How about Teck ? Nice to see that the economy has rounded the corner. Thats said with a little growth coming and summer lulls behind us maybe this three quarters worth of downturn will indeed be the shortest recession on record?

Good to see you guys get a little much need cash on that PP. I have to wonder who the investors are? Maybe that might explain some of the selling? Possibly to belly up for the fresh new shares? Who knows?

Liberty seems to have their feet back on the ground and the sooner they can get going I think the better it is for all of us in this Nickel racket. That should put some focus and attention on the hood as a whole. Heck having the Chinese here in that capacity is good for any hopeful prospect as that shoudl get the "domestics" for lack of a better word out of their comfort zone and realize that maybe they can't sit on their duffs all day long when kicking tires and ore bodies around. I bet the Chinese are itching for some more feed stocks and future ore supplies.

As for us over at ISM, well same old story, same summer........ different year.......LOL

Good luck going forward guys

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