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almost 8 years ago
in response to kelsee's message

I went to the AGMs yesterday.  There wasn't much brought up in the Q&A that wasn't covered in the presentation.  I haven't reviewed the slides yet but regarding a second clinical compound I thought in the presentation he mentioned that we are waiting for deals to be made so that partners will pay for the development of these compounds. If it wasn't mentioned in the presentation it was part of the Q&A.


A question was asked about the LoC to which Don responded that they are looking at the various opportunities available to RVX to deal with this issue.  He touched briefly on a few which we are all aware of. While anything could happen, my guess is still that the LoC guarantee gets renewed by Eastern in exchange for additional warrants and maintaining their calls on the IP as well as the ever growing tax pools (about $240 million now). Not hugely dilutive to shareholders and Eastern to me has always seemed to be interested in maintaining their downside protection.  


I asked a couple of questions in the Q&A and was able to chat with Don between AGMs as well so the following summarizes what I went away with; A second licensing deal is still being sought, no surprise there.  The PNH orphan space is more difficult to enter than they anticipated and he did mention that they are curious to see what the fall out will be at Alexion with two key people in leadership being forced out last week (I thought the Alexion observation was interesting).  He is still expecting more analyst  coverage and to be fair one analyst which Don and I spoke about previously changed firms this year so we will see about him.  I have been thinking that with Trump coming into office and bringing into reality the repatriation of American offshore profits that the Pfizer takeout of AstraZeneca might once again be on the table.  Interestingly, Don mentioned that at the San Francisco Biotech showcase that AZ has no one listed to attend where they usually send a team.  Makes me wonder if something might be going on there. Could also see how that might delay any action on interest either company might have in RVX.  Just my speculation.


I personally thought both AGMs were Don's best presentations to date and I like the fact that we are getting more detail on the business side of things especially to do with how payor groups are viewing RVX's potential.  I also like the fact that the renal indication is coming more to front and centre as to me it is a massive opportunity both from an unmet need perspective as well as from a cost savings to healthcare perspective if Apabetalone is successful in this regard.  All in all Don seems very relaxed and confident about RVX's prospects and certainly seems to be very willing and able to wait for deals that are good for RVX as opposed to being forced into a poor deal.


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