Resverlogix Corp.

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in response to BearDownAZ's message

BDAZ thanks for your positive comments on the fresh news today.

DM et. al. are laying a strong foundation and perhaps this will begin to come to fruition next year.

I can't help but muse on the issues and timing at this peculiar stage in history

  • The DJI just made a move from 18000 to almost 20000 since Trump's election 
  • The DJI was up 60 points today, a day after the Fed raised rates and announced more to come in 2017
  • Volume today was 357M shares and since the beginning of the month daily volume has tripled
  • Granted much of this is profit taking, portfolio repositioning and year end reposturing
  • All this has happenned after the Queen appointed was denied 
  • Analysts expect corporate profits to be up 20+% in 2017 
  • Trump was elected by voters who want jobs and opportunity in the US
  • He has already shown that he wishes to keep and bring jobs to the US
  • Astra Zeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Merck have all cut jobs thru consolidation and out of necessity
  • BP research has in essence been outsourced to Bio-tech
  • Pres elect Trump has vowed to repeal or replace Obamacare
  • Trumps cabinet will take a fresh new approach to health care aimed at effective cost management 
  • RVX is extremely cost effective as marketed by DM
  • a 35-50% reduction in costly MACE and an alternative treatment to kidney dialysis would save billions - an easy sell
  • The next four years are beginning to shape up well and RVX can contribute to health care cost reduction  
  • I listened to DMs update on 10/13/2016- slide 96 - the two new analysts were in the room and DM was pushing for coverage
  • RVX isn't ready yet - if you were a fund manager would you want RVX in your 2016 year end biotech portfolio? You will at 12/31/2017
  • Wall Street will not cover RVX until it gets a US listing
  • US BP and Health Care execs need to visualize Trump economics before they jump in
  • Tax Cuts/More US Manufacturing Jobs/Controlled Immigration/Higher interest rates/Less Outsourcing/A stronger US military/ It's difficult to put it all in perspective right now  
  • Either RVX or ZEN needs FDA approval before this moves -

IMHO Narmac nailed the issues - refi the loan without selling the farm and it's 2018 or bust


Still patiently? long 






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