Resverlogix Corp.

Welcome To The Resverlogix HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
almost 8 years ago

Merry Chrsitmas and Happy New Year to all,

I just signed on. Had trouble getting registered until Agoracom got new software runnng.

I used to post on IV and SH as trt and torpedoman. Have been invested in RVX since Feb 2004 and seen all the gut-wrenching ups and downs. I have attended just about every AGM and will attned next week. Last week thought I would check out the venue at Mount Royal U which is a short distance from my office. The auditorium is huge much bigger than any previous sites.Maybe Don is expecting a whole bunch of CEOs, CFOs, CSOs, VPs and Presidents from BPs and maybe the Donald himself. Oh thats him. Right I forgot. More likely they got a good deal on the space and its walking distance from their office. I like it because I don't have to pay $ 30.00 for parking downtown.

Heh Fouremm I think you might attend We should introduce ourselves. I will likely be the only guy with a Yankees jacket on - love the Yanks, love NYC. 

I have some comments about a few things so here I go.

I got involved in wild speculation when they postponed the AGM but I had lots of company then. I had called Sarah ( shes a sweetheart ) and she got back to me. I asked her about the weather and whether something was hot at RVX. She quickly replied that she could not speak of things that were material to the company. Bingo and I harkened back to Jan 2007 when Don convened a meeting of shareholders at the Palliser hotel in Calgary. At that large meeting Don indicated he had an MOU with another company. Rumours were spreading that my old company ( lowly sales rep ) Pfizer was interested and supposedly the Pfizer corporate jet came into town a few weeks later ( never been confirmed to my knowledge ). I still believe Pfizer is interested but I think Don may have burned at least one bridge there.      

Don is a good guy and he has done a great job building a staff of great and brilliant people and  investors like Dart and Hepalink. I do worry about KD staying the course. I hope the loan will be extended. We should know more about the financial status after the meeting. I think Don either just turned 60 or is about to. He has many long time friends in Calgary who are shareholders. His family as well has shares. I am sure that Don does not want to disappoint any of them. With all the trials ( no pun intended ) and tribulations they have gone through and sitting at close to retirement age Don would surely like to see the final victory. 

This may be an unfair comment but I do not see anybody in the management team that could step into Dons shoes and do as good a job. I don't know whether there is a succession plan in place and I do not believe this question was ever addressed. I plan to ask the question next week.  

Bear, you posted about the Stephen Nichols assessment of the Assure and Sustain ad hoc analysis. Nichols is hardly a friend to RVX.  Very weak assessment  from a guy who abandoned RVX in that very dark moment in Chicago when the Assure results were announced. His actions bordered on traitorous then. He goes on to sing the praises of Mercks anacetrapib at that meeting further undermining RVX. Now its a dead product but he still has his hands in Mercks pockets.  

Re: the 7 to 8 year lead on epigenetic solutions to all things bad methinks the lead may be a lot shorter. The post about Viracta aquireing Phase 2 epigenetic drug from Chroma Therapeutics is interesting. This epigenetic candidate is VRx3996. Could the VRx stand for VerResX or possibly Reslevix or maybe Resverlogix? What brilliant deception! This would almost certainly  be the molecule that RVXs patent infringed on. It is being evaluated for cancer treament. Are we sure about that 7 year lead? Another question to ask at the AGM for Zenith.   

On the cardiovascular front we now have the the Jardiance and Victoza products showing significant MACE reduction and getting lots of attention. Thanks to Bear and bfw to bring those to our attention. If there is one thing we are really missing its attention from the market. Honestly I don't get it after all these years. It is so discouraging at times. Almost for sure there was interest back in 2007. Why not now? More questions to ask at the AGM  Bet on Mace looks like it will not finish until around mid 2018. It better hit a home run way out of the ballpark.






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