Resverlogix Corp.

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This is my take....not saying I'm an expert or anything though....I welcome any disagreements, contradictions...or anyone who thinks I'm out to lunch.

That table shows under 'Nature of Transaction' that all the entries were ''Excercise of rights". And I am operating under the assumption that these were indeed option related....however I do not believe the Red (-) entries relate to options that expired. I have seen this site, CanadianInsider, list options as 52 - experiartion of options....check EGT, there are a bunch of entries labeled as such.

So, assuming these were vested employee options....I think we might be looking at the rights being excercised in 2 different ways.

When an employee has ''in the money'' options there are a few choices. Firstly they can just hold onto the options, not exercising them in other words. Second they can exercise the option and then hold onto the stock which means the employee will have to part with some cash. Lastly they can exercise and sell, not having to put up any cash and profitting from the difference.

I think what we may be looking at is both the second and third option being employed.

Take DM, it shows on Oct 5th an exercise of rights for -151,000 RSUs. and another exercise of rights for +78,520 common shares.

What I think DM may have done (again these are just my thoughts) is exercised and sold immediately 151,000 RSUs (I don't know how many shares a unit represents, but lets assume its 151,000 common shares). October 5th was the day the PPS closed at $2.47 but just to keep the math simple we'll assume that was a sale of 151,000 common shares for $2.25....and we'll assume they were options priced at $1.25....meaning they were in the money by $1 CDN. In this scenario DM would net $151,000 from the transaction....and it would be a cashless transaction handled by his broker I assume.

As for the 78,520 exercise of rights in green (+) I am thinking that was another option exerciese, but rather than selling those shares DM opted to hold onto them. If those options were priced at say $2, then DM would have to fork over a little over $157K CDN....because he opted to hold onto those shares and not sell them.

Again....just my thoughts....welcome any counter thoughts or if anyone thinks I'm on the money in my reasoning.

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