Questerre Energy Corporation

Welcome To The Questerre Energy HUB On AGORACOM (Edit this message through the "fast facts" section)
in response to lifenergy's message

Yes Life I also do blive he could be right. It may sound crazy to some, but think about WalMart and maybe Coke, I dont know, but I know WalMart made a 1000 bagger or more, ther was an other that I dont remember, maybe it was K-markt something and most peoble belived in this K-markt at first. If polletic falls out to focus on all the bennefits from NG, this could be really crazy and even with the outlook now, like 5 fold NG price it's a little scary. Too high energy prices right now is'nt good for economies. I also read about Renult's electirc cars, that they will need an oilprice above 70$(could this have something to do with the current price:) But when we see prices come up, we will know times are getting better(so much to Dark Wader,cause it dont have to be hurricanes or extreeme cold winters. If your not dark wader and wish for hurricanes, then you would wish that no peoble would be hurt and that's(a little out of hands) unrealistic, but ok may the force be with you.

Well, my postings about NG price shows out a stomac feeling I had, that we/the sp had to come down a little and very fine, so I can buy more qec shares:)

QEC was very strong on Oslo, there was only one chance to get it at 13,90, this was in the first hour. It looks too me like if the index can stay above friday closing or at 325, then qec will stay above 14=2.54-2.55. We closed at 14.20=2.585.

And yes, me too, I think the NG shorters will have to cover there shorts/make a new compagny. Anyway, we will get updates from the TLM drillings.

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