Quest Uranium Corporation

Quest Rare Earth Minerals - Was Quest Unranium Corporation - FWR Spinn off Uranium and Rare Earth Elements Exploration in Canada
in response to karchdog1310's message

A thank you to those who post here.

I check this site every day. I do not post very often because I do not seem to come across a lot of info for QUC, so I appreciate seeing the posts of those who do have any new info.

I have had these shares since the FWR spin-off and bought a few more along the way. Had to pay more for the ones I bought but I still think this company is going to do well. I am basing this opinion on the fact that I believe the company is well managed. I met Peter Cashin at QUC's first AGM. He said at that time that it would be a year before they started drilling. They wanted to get the financing ready. About a year later, they did start drilling and we know what happened. I was favorably impressed by him.

So, thanks again posters. I am sure there are many others who follow this site as well.

(The change in print was unintentional.)

lucky lady

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