Puma Exploration

On Track for a New Mine Discovery and development of precious metals - New Brunswick & Manitoba
in response to Pinawanian's message

Pinawanain, ..not sure at this point. Thinking aloud here if the drills uncouver enough of a resource Puma does have some options going forward. The ND silver play does have near 2 million 43-101 oz of AG with in a 75x150 meter area around the shaft with proven extention of 700 meter and now finding gold at 4 gr /tn. Sprott has funded the current work on the ND silver play and as rules are changing in-reguards on how Funds sell their product then if enough of a 43-101 was establish this deposit could be reconized as money in the ground backing a silver fund and not seeing anymining. I know Sprott has purchase 51 % of the money exchage in Canada and also gets 51 % of the Foreign exchange along with his partner have applied for a Canadian banking licence which would be a commodity Bank. The Turgeon copper play has seen drilling uncouvering mining wds of 10 % copper near surface showing on two outcrops near the deep sea port.. The Manitoba gold play has 250,000 oz of gold with alot of upside.. Management could partner any one of the properties which each have possible mining potential or keep two and sell one to raise cash and continue as a exploration co . Puma now owns all property between National highway and claims with hydro over head close too two smelters and two mills so mining would be cheap if open pit. PS" over 50 % of the shares are held by 3 groups and once Puma hits the airwaves the remaining shares well find good hands..without prejudice. Traps7

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