Prodigy Gold

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Re: Hub Leaders
over 13 years ago
in response to M's message

Hey everyone,

I haven't posted for a while because frankly, I haven't had anything to say. I transitioned out of KXL (Yes, it was still KXL) into more promising plays that I thought would move sooner. Did pretty well, in fact. Took a bath on KXL, but didn't think I needed to make it up by holding until something happened. Too bad, because when I first got in it looked like KXL was the surest thing I had seen. Great surface grades all over the Golden Mile, and surely those grades would get better further down. Wrong. I still follow the board, simply because it's one of the better boards around and I enjoy reading the knowledgable discussions. I second everything positive Gamblor said about the posters here.

That said, it's interesting to see where KXL, excuse me, PDG, has gotten to. Frankly, it's where KXL should have been quite a while ago. There's now a resource estimate, not too bad, but in the range (~2M oz?) of what everyone expected KXL to come out with a couple years (?) ago. And they got that resource by merging with another company, which of course means about twice as many shares out. At one time KXL was attractive partly because of the small number of shares out- but no more. And to think of the $10s of millions from the pp squandered with nothing to show for it- that could have gone towards most of the costs of construction of a mine if they still had it. But it looks like the company has finally turned around- not to be the multi-ounce/t bonanza we all hoped for, but a solid 1-2g/t open pitter. But it still remains to be seen whether they sell off resources as they prove them up, or actually move towards mining themselves. It will also be interesting to see what any financing consists of.

Anyway, I see that the issue of dormant hub leaders has been raised. Feel free to remove my name- I never was active as a hub leader anyway- there really wasn't much to do. I'm a leader on another board that I'm active on, and the only real work is updating the hub home info, and removing the occasional basher. But there was never any real bashing here- criticism yes, but conducted civilly and honestly, which is all you can ask for.

But I'll continue to lurk.



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