Premium Exploration

Welcome To The Premium Exploration Inc HUB On AGORACOM Ultimately Developing a District with Multiple Near-Surface Gold Resources along the +30 km Property in Idaho

I want to comment the last few months of PEM. First of all I found that our insider will be still Osisko but it will be new Osisko so they will get PEM shares. This is very important to know and I will explain why.

On the beginning everything seems to be fine. We got money from pp, and it looked like warrants will be exercised at 15 Cents and PEM will get enough money to finish this drill program and sell the Company. But never underestimate the Power of crooks. Practically they got money for nothing and destroy PEM sp. They are destroyers, gamblers, evils, criminals, crooks and so on. Probably John didn’t count on that. Because he needs now to sell some claims to get needed money. He doesn’t want to admit mistake. Yes the Big Mistake was to give this money to Destroyers at cheap PP.

So now we all know what is the prospect of this company. Crooks will not do anything positive for us.

Now let see some incompetent reports from John. He said that economic situation round PEM is not good? Hallooooo? SWC is doing great, our insider Osisko will get lot of money from take over Transaction. Use your Brain John. These 2 companies are full of cash and they for sure are looking where to park Money! Palladium is exploding, Gold will do good because unfortunately situation in World is very bad and I think that rather sooner than later Dollar will crash. So yes, we have both, great properties, in some kind of connection with companies that are doing very good, so where is the Problem John or you are also incompetent?

They sold these claims. This is actually no news for me because PEM bought and sold property for the same amount of Money, Big deal… But my problem is how John is saying that Del Destroyer will help our future. This crook Del already destroyed my life. I don’t want to have any kind of connection with him. Yes this is no news but it was much better for PEM to somehow sold these claims to SWC or OSK and try to get better connection with one of these Companies or both. It is much better than empty promises from the old crook Del.

Yes, I am disappointed in the progress lately but I hope that this management will finally start doing job and see what is going on round PEM. There is still lot of money to make with PEM if management is smart enough to look for possibilities. And please do not tell to us anything good about Del Boy, we all know who he is…

Why Osisko insider is good possibility. They will have plenty of cash and they will want to invest that Money somewhere and since they are already PEM insider John could approach to them for that needed $10 Millions and finish program and sell PEM to for example new Osisko, why not…


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