Premium Exploration

Welcome To The Premium Exploration Inc HUB On AGORACOM Ultimately Developing a District with Multiple Near-Surface Gold Resources along the +30 km Property in Idaho
in response to MaxValueHolder's message


Lighten-up. It is clear you have strongly held beliefs with respect to Premium. I posted all of the links in my previous posts. Unless, I somehow forced Al Korelin on the 5th of March to record false information on his website, you are totally off base.

This forum is for people to discuss views on companies. Because someone presents information that is not consistent with your belief system, it does not mean that they are "spreading false information."

I have some questions that any investor should ask, unlees they are buying on faith. Most importantly is whether the company has money. At this point, if a company does not have money to do what they want to do, how are they going to get it?

Is it reasonable to expect the project will be economically feasible. Can it break even or make money at a lower gold price?

What are the compentancies of management and directors? Can the effectively explore? Can they deal with the external risks (politics, the markets, NGOs...)? Can they raise money without giving away the farm? Can they manage stakeholder expectations? Some companies raise expectations to a point where they cannot meet them.

Do they have and are they able to communicate a clear vision of the future of the company? Do they have a clear view of how they are going to get there?

Do they have a plausable exit strategy? That is, how are they going to make us money? (is the plan to sell to a major, JV the project, become a miner...?)

Does the company tangible milestones by which investors can evaluate success?

I know disccussing the strengths, weakensses of a company, and the opportunities and threats that exist within the environment in which they opperate may be a challenge to your faith in the company. I asure you, the better you are able to critique a company, the better investor you will become.

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