Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.'s Profile

<p><font size="4" color="#0099ff"><b>Diamond Development &amp; Exploration</b></font></p> Baffin Island, Nunavut ♦ Manitoba ♦ Northwest Territories
Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. Vancouver, B.C. TSX : PGD;
At December 31, 2013, the Company had a working capital balance of $7.1 million and cash resources of $9.7 million.

Peregrine is a diamond exploration and development company focused on Canada's North. The Company has discovered two new diamond districts in Nunavut, Nanuq in 2007 and Chidliak in 2008.

At its 100 percent-owned Chidliak project, located 120 kilometres from Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut, 67 kimberlites have been discovered to date, and Peregrine collected a bulk sample weighing 404.2 dry tonnes from the CH-6 kimberlite in 2013.

The grade for the sample was 2.78 carats per tonne for commercial-size diamonds larger than the 0.85 mm sieve size and 2.58 carats per tonne for diamonds larger than the 1.18 mm sieve size.

A significant population of gem diamonds was noted. An independent diamond valuation on a 1013.5 carat parcel was completed in February 2014. The diamond valuation was undertaken in Antwerp, Belgium by WWW International Diamond Consultants ("WWW"). The average price was US $213 per carat. The modelled price ranged from minimum of US $162 per carat to a high of US $236 per carat.

Peregrine will utilize the diamond grade and value information from the bulk sample and information from core drill programs completed in 2009, 2010 and 2011 to establish a preliminary revenue model and declare an initial resource for CH-6 in the second quarter of 2014. This work is the first important step towards establishing economic viability for the Chidliak project..

The nine hectare DO-27 kimberlite located on Peregrine's 72 percent-owned WO project in the Northwest Territories, 27 kilometres from the Diavik Diamond Mine, hosts a NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource of 18.2 million carats of diamonds in 19.5 million tonnes of kimberlite at a grade of 0.94 carats per tonne.

This resource, which is open at depth, was confirmed in 2008.

Peregrine also continues to evaluate earlier stage diamond exploration projects it controls in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, and through comprehensive evaluation of its extensive and proprietary diamond exploration databases, is working towards discovering new diamond districts in North America.

A key asset being utilized in Peregrine's search for a new Canadian diamond district is a proprietary database acquired from BHP Billiton that contains data from approximately 38,000 kimberlite indicator mineral samples covering an area of Canada approximately three million square kilometres in size. Industry experts predict that without significant new discoveries in the coming years, the global demand for diamonds will soon outstrip supply.

Through its quality diamond exploration projects throughout Canada and its 72 percent ownership interest in the DO-27 mineral resource, Peregrine is well positioned to contribute to the world's diamond supply in the future.

Last changed at 29-Jan-2016 11:21AM by AUH2O

Management & Directors

  • Eric Friedland

    Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Mr. Friedland has over 20 years of exploration and development experience in mining as well as mining finance and was the founder of Peregrine.

    Mr. Friedland was the President and Director of Fairbanks Gold Ltd. and played a primary role in the creation, development and financing of the Fort Knox gold discovery in Alaska and the subsequent sale of Fairbanks Gold and partners to Amax Gold Corp. for $86 million. He was formerly CEO and Director of Carson Gold Corp., which explored and developed gold mining assets in Venezuela, and which, as DiamondWorks Ltd., developed two producing diamond mines in Angola as well as the re-opening of the Koidu Diamond Mine in Sierra Leone.

    Mr. Friedland was also a Director of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. from Ivanhoe's inception to its recent major copper gold discovery in Mongolia called Oyu Tolgoi.

    Mr. Friedland has a B.Sc. degree in Geophysics and Geology from the Colorado School of Mines.

  • Brooke Clements


    Mr. Clements brings over 20 years of diamond exploration and kimberlite evaluation experience to Peregrine. As Vice President, Exploration for Ashton Mining of Canada Inc. ("Ashton"), he led the exploration team that discovered the diamondiferous Renard kimberlite cluster in Quebec in 2001 and the subsequent initiation of a pre-feasibility evaluation of four of the kimberlites. The pre-feasibility program included the collection of a 10,000-tonne bulk sample, development of an underground mine and the construction and commissioning of a 10-tonne per hour dense media separation plant. Prior to joining Ashton in 1998, Mr. Clements worked for Exmin Corporation ("Exmin") from 1982-1997 where his last position was Regional Manager. As Regional Manager he was responsible for directing diamond exploration programs throughout the United States. Exmin was a subsidiary of Sibeka/Union Miniere, a Belgian company that operated the MIBA Diamond Mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Mr. Clements earned a M.Sc. in Economic Geology from the University of Arizona and a B.Sc. in Geology from Indiana University and has Professional Geologist registrations in Canada and the United States.

  • Rod Davey

    Chief Operating Officer

    Rod Davey has a B.S. Mining Engineering from the University of Wisconsin and a M.S. Mining Engineering from Michigan Technological University. From 1996 to 1999, Mr. Davey was President of Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. where he was responsible for overseeing the pre-construction of Canada's second diamond mine including all feasibility engineering, environmental issues and government and community affairs. Mr. Davey began his career with Kennecott Corp. in 1964 and has held many senior positions with that company and its subsidiaries including Senior Vice President of Development for Diavik, Vice President and General Manager of Utah Copper Corporation., and Manager of Utah Copper Corporation's Bingham Canyon Mine. Mr. Davey is a member of the SME, President of the Utah Mining Association and past Member of the Board of the Canadian Mining Association. He has numerous engineering publications to his credit.

  • Greg Shenton

    Chief Financial Officer

    Mr. Shenton is a Certified General Accountant and has worked with the Ivanhoe Group of companies from November, 1989 until joining Peregrine. During this time he served as Chief Financial Officer for three Ivanhoe Group companies including Ivanhoe Nickel & Platinum Ltd., Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. and Asia Gold Corp. Mr. Shenton also held the position of Controller with Diamond Fields Resources Ltd., DiamondWorks Ltd. and Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.

  • Peter Holmes

    VP Exploration

    Mr. Holmes, a geologist, has over 15 years experience in diamond exploration with the De Beers Group of companies. Most recently, Mr. Holmes was Divisional Manager -- Western Canada, for De Beers Canada Inc. -- Exploration Division, based in Yellowknife, NWT. In that role, he managed all diamond exploration and evaluation activities in Western Canada. He was also a member of the De Beers Venture Capital Project Team where he reviewed exploration results for possible joint venture and identified suitable partners.

    From 1998 to 2000, Mr. Holmes was the Deputy Director--Geological Projects, De Beers Centenary AG, based in Moscow, Russia, where he was responsible for the field management of De Beers Joint Venture projects in western Russia including the Lomonosov Deposit Evaluation (Large Diameter Drilling and delineation programs), and various programs in the Arkhangelsk region.

    From 1993 to 1998, Mr. Holmes was a Senior Geologist with Monopros Ltd/Finsearch Oy in Toronto, Ontario, where he managed field exploration programs in Finland. At that time he was nominated as a delegate to the De Beers Research Committee to review both internal De Beers research and external kimberlite and diamond studies.

  • Jennifer Pell

    Chief Geoscientist

    Dr. Pell has a B.Sc. Honours in Geology from the University of Ottawa and a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Calgary and has over 20 years experience in kimberlite research and diamond exploration. Dr. Pell held various positions in government, private industry and universities, including completing post-doctoral research on kimberlites and related rocks at the University of British Columbia. She was employed by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in Yellowknife, NWT, from 1992 to 1997 as a district geologist in charge of monitoring developments in exploration for diamond deposits in the Slave province and Arctic Islands and doing research on these deposits, where she was responsible for one kimberlite discovery on Somerset Island. From 1997 until 2002, she ran diamond exploration projects in Brazil, Tanzania and West Africa where she was responsible for the discovery of a number of diamondiferous kimberlites, one of which warranted bulk sampling. Most recently, Dr. Pell was employed as Vice President, Exploration for Dunsmuir Ventures Ltd., exploring for diamonds in Manitoba, NWT and Nunavut.

  • Duncan McBean

    Supervisor -- WO Diamond Project

    Prior to joining Peregrine, Mr. McBean was the Senior Supervisor for De Beers Canada Mining Inc.'s Specialized Geology and Mineral Resource Management Team, focusing on the Snap Lake Diamond Project ("Snap"). Mr. McBean had been associated with Snap for several years, having started initially with Winspear Resources Ltd. in January 1999 during their early delineation drilling and bulk sampling programs. Preceding his years with Snap, Mr. McBean was employed by Eldorado Gold Corporation ("Eldorado") working on both the La Colorada and La Trinidad gold mines, as well as, being involved in the geologic interpretation and modeling of the La Colorada, Gran Central and Minas Prietas mineralization zones. Before his tenure with Eldorado, Mr. McBean had worked on mapping and drilling projects throughout Canada, the United States and Mexico, exploring for gold, copper and silver, for a number of mineral exploration companies, including Homestake Mineral Development Company, Brittania Gold Corporation and Reliance Geological Services Inc. Mr. McBean graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science (Geology) and has more than 15 years of international mineral exploration experience covering a broad range of responsibilities from grass roots prospecting to advanced project resource management. He is a Professional Geologist registered with both The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC and The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of the N.W.T and Nunavut.

  • Hugo Grenon

    Exploration Field Manager

    Mr. Grenon graduated from the University of Sherbrooke in 1997 with an (Honours) Bachelor of Science degree and completed the program of Bachelor in Geography and immediately began work with DeBeers Canada Exploration Inc. Initially his work experience was on advanced diamond exploration and evaluation programs in Russia, including the Lomonosov bulk sampling project in the Arkhangelsk region, followed by the underground large diameter RC bulk sampling at the Premier Diamond Mine in South Africa . Following this, Mr. Grenon was involved as Project Manager on sediment sampling and exploration drill programs in northern Manitoba and Quebec . Prior to accepting a position with Peregrine Diamonds, Mr. Grenon was De Beers' Project Manager "Directeur Technique" in the Central African Republic, responsible for the design and implementation of modern drainage sampling programs in 2005-2006.

  • Maiko Sell

    Project Geophysicist

    After graduation with an (Honours) Bachelor of Science degree in Geophysics from the University of Western Ontario in 2002, Mr. Sell was employed by DeBeers Canada Exploration Inc. as Project Geophysicist based in DeBeers' Yellowknife , NWT office until 2005. His responsibilities included the design and interpretation of all airborne and ground geophysical surveys in the Northwest Territories and western Nunavut which lead to kimberlite discoveries. Subsequently in 2005-2006, Mr. Sell worked at Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. as Consulting Geophysicist and was involved in successful programs that culminated in several kimberlitic discoveries during both years.

  • Ken Kuchling, P.Eng

    Engineering Consultant

    Mr. Kuchling has over 25 years of Canadian and international operating and consulting experience covering a broad range of engineering disciplines including mine production planning, mine design, scoping, pre-feasibility, feasibility studies, project management and environmental permitting. From 1997 to 2000, Mr. Kuchling was Senior Mining Engineer for Diavik Diamond Mines Inc., focused on the pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, environmental permitting, and detailed engineering of the Diavik project. Prior to and subsequent to his tenure with Diavik, Mr. Kuchling was involved in a number of early stage project evaluation studies, as well as feasibility studies and geotechnical engineering projects for a broad range of commodities including gold, diamonds, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, copper, bauxite, potash, and oil sands on global projects. Mr. Kuchling has a Masters of Mining Engineering from the University of British Columbia and a Bachelor of Mining Engineering from McGill University. He is a Professional Engineer registered with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta.

  • Robert Boyd


    Mr. Boyd is a senior mining executive with over 30 years experience in exploration, executive-level management, corporate finance and corporate governance. Mr. Boyd is currently Chairman of the Board of True North Gems Ltd and serves on the Board of Directors of both Condor Resources Inc, and Endurance Gold Corporation. He also serves as a volunteer Director of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada and the Association for Mineral Exploration B.C. Mr. Boyd formerly held the position of President, CEO and Director of Ashton Mining of Canada Inc. prior to its acquisition. Before joining Ashton, Mr. Boyd was a founding principal and major shareholder of a financial and strategic advisory firm to the mining and mineral exploration industry and was also formerly Vice President Exploration for Homestake Canada Limited. Mr. Boyd is a widely respected geologist and gemmologist. He is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C., the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Society of Economic Geologists, and a Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada, and Gemmological Associations of Great Britain and Canada.

  • Alan Carter


    Dr. Carter has over 18 years of experience in the minerals exploration industry. He spent seven years working for Rio Tinto Corp. in South America and the U.K., most recently as Exploration Manager in Bolivia. In 1996, he became President and CEO of Balaclava Mines where he oversaw the acquisition and exploration of a number of gold projects in Peru and Ecuador. Dr. Carter joined Billiton plc in 1998 and moved from Peru to Vancouver in 2000 and was instrumental in the development of an aggressive strategy aimed at developing partnerships with junior exploration companies. Following the merger with BHP, Dr. Carter assumed the role of Manager, Business Development for BHP Billiton Diamonds where he was responsible for the commercial aspects of BHP Billiton's global portfolio of nickel and diamond exploration projects. Currently, Dr. Carter is the President of Electrum Capital Inc. a position he has held since February 2006. As well, he holds the position of director at Magellan Minerals Ltd. and Peregrine Metals Ltd. He has a B.Sc. degree in Geology from the University of Nottingham, U.K. and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Southampton, U.K.

  • Jonathan Challis


    Mr. Challis is a mining engineer with over 30 years experience in the operation, management, financing and analysis of mining projects around the world. Mr. Challis started his professional life in London as a Mining Engineer with Gold Fields of South Africa Limited and eventually returned to London to work as mining analyst for James Capel & Co., Barclays Bank Ltd. and McLeod Young Weir. In 1994, he joined CM Oliver in Toronto as a Director and Senior Mining Analyst prior to moving back to London where he was instrumental in establishing a European presence for that company. In 1997, he joined Ivanhoe Capital Corporation and was involved in numerous early stage exploration ventures in diverse locations. In 1999, he become President and a Director of Shore Gold where he oversaw the planning, engineering and initial extraction of nearly 23,000 tonnes of kimberlite from Shore's Star kimberlite in Saskatchewan via vertical shaft. In 2003, he joined Cornerstone Capital as President, COO and Director and since 2005, has been a Director and President of Solex Resources Corp. Mr. Challis has an honours degree in Mineral Exploitation from University College, Cardiff and an MBA degree from Cranfield University. He has both South African Metalliferous Mine Captain's and Mine Manager's Certificates of Competency. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy and a Chartered Engineer.

  • Gordon Keep


    Mr. Keep has extensive business experience as an investment banker and has held several senior positions. From 1987 to 1997, he was the Vice President, Corporate Finance in the natural resources group of Yorkton Securities Inc. and, from 1997 to March 2004, he was Senior Vice President and a Director of Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. Since 2001, Mr. Keep has been Managing Director of Corporate Finance at Endeavour Financial, a Canadian investment banking firm that specializes in the mining and minerals industries. He is currently Executive Vice President of Fiore Financial Corporation, an exclusive advisor to Endeavor Financial. Mr. Keep is a P. Geol in the province of BC and received his BSc in Geological Sciences from Queen's University in 1979 and his MBA from the University of British Columbia in 1983

  • Lacey Kelly

    Investor Relations Department

    Lacey Kelly
    Investor Relations Department

    Tel: 604-408-8880
    Fax: 604-408-8881


  • Corporate Directory

    Peregrine Diamonds Ltd

    Corporate Head Office:

    Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.
    201 - 1250 Homer Street
    Vancouver, BC V6B 1C6
    Tel: (604) 408-8880
    Fax: (604) 408-8881

    Legal Counsel:

    Bernard Poznanski
    Koffman Kalef Business Lawyers
    19th Floor, 885 West Georgia Street
    Vancouver, BC V6C 3H4
    Tel: 604-891-3688
    Fax: 604-891-3788

Broker Fact Sheet

  • PGD Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.
339,075,905 January 2016
Metals & Minerals
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