Peat Resources Limited's Profile

Peat Resources Limited is currently a Toronto-based clean energy company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, which was formed to develop and produce peat fuel.

On February 8, 2016, Peat Resources announced their intent to "evaluate specific technology-based alternatives to the Company’s current business"

Specifically, Peat Resources has begun to evaluate of technology-based initiatives in the mobility space, including gesture recognition, image and motion sensing technology.

Peat will be further assessing the market segmentation of the mobility space, with intent to deliver recommendations to shareholders as required, and an overview at its upcoming Annual General Meeting.

Last changed at 08-Mar-2016 11:16AM by oogee

Management & Directors

Broker Fact Sheet

  • PET Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Peat Resources Limited
99 097 236 (Jan 31, 2016)
Energy & Environment
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