POET Technologies Inc.

Good afternoon all,

Firstly, I agree that we need an update on the VCsel et al as it applies to the direction (and success) that POET has undertaken. I wonder if the many delays over the past 18 months pushed POET to buy their own equipment. Who knows!

However, POET has taken a wholly different direction since the early days of Peter Copetti and co. I distinctly remember asking Peter C. if he, and the board at that time, would be maxmizing our overall long term gain by supporting POET. At that time Peter C. and the board appeared to be leaning towards some form of licencing, royalty, etc.

Considerable months and years (unfortunately) have past but I truly believe that the new Mgmt group has taken the company down a path of maximizing our long term gain. Albeit totally different, their recent purchases and funding (Yuck!) are certainly going to demonstrate whether we have a product or not. I still go to work on a daily basis to earn a living and I am convinced that the new Mgmt group and the employees of the purchased companies (DL & Photoincs) get out of bed in the morning for the same purpose. There way too many people involved at this point to think that we didn't have something here. Two can easily hide in a park but 50 could not hide in a forest.... If you follow my example. Rats always leave the ship when water appears below.

Personally, I would really like to understand why they 'sold the farm' (PO conditions) to market before the holidays (X-Mas). Time will tell all, I imagine.

One thing is for sure. We do not need to dig up endless posts, as if they were new, to 'explain' how bad things are here at POET.  For many here the journey has been long, and according to some, way too long. That I understand.

So, fortunately I still have sufficient runway in front of me to give the New Mgmt group more time. Meanwhile I will continue to head to the office to earn a living. And for the most part, a living I enjoy. That being said, I have set a personal deadline for this investment which I have shared with a few close friends on this board.

Yours in battle,

Maple Syrup.....

PS The season of sweetness (maple syrup) is just around the corner!








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