POET Technologies Inc.

published by Carlos Lee, Director General at EPIC 

In April 2016 EPIC signed an MoU with the LUX Photonics Consortium from Singapore to strengthen a collaboration and partnership among the members of both organizations. From 11-13 January, 15 EPIC members from Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, USA, and New Zealand joined a delegation trip consisting of 25 presentations, and company visits to GLOBALFOUNDRIESDenseLightCoherent, as well as NTUNUSEDB, and NRF. One of the highlights was certainly the visit of the 300mm automated fab of semiconductor foundry GLOBALFOUNDRIES. The level of automation and futuristic touch was impressive. On the academic and research side we visited the Nanyang Technological University, and the National University of Singapore. The meetings at the Economic Development Board and the National Research Foundation provided an overview of the funding models and priorities for Singapore.

The delegation event was free, sponsored by LUX Photonics Consortium and jointly organized with EPIC. The LUX Photonics Consortium in Singapore aims at fostering technology development among its members through close partnership with the local Universities (e.g. NTU and NUS) for the purpose of innovating new products or technologies that are enabled by photonics. In addition, LUX Photonics Consortium works towards establishing itself as a regional photonics academia and industry network in the South Asia. The event was focused on getting to know each, building a network of reliable quality contacts, develop a trustful relationship. In total there were, 40 technology experts and industry leaders attending, the participants were for the majority decision makers. A characteristic of EPIC events is the extensive opportunity to network. To match the scenery with the ambitions, we had a reception at the exclusive roof-top of the landmark building Marina Bay Sands with an impressive view of the Singapore skyline, and a lunch on the terrace on the 13th floor of the NRF (Prime Minister’s Office).

Participants represented companies along the entire photonics value chain and had different objectives. “The EPIC delegation to Singapore was amazing, it has been a great experience both from a technical/business perspective but also personal. Some of the contacts established will maybe result in accelerating our product development, or to jointly find new innovative ideas.” said Philippe Gastaldo, Product and R&D Director at unity SC.

Some participants were clearly impressed with the event: "In my almost 35 years in the optical business, I have never been a part of such an extraordinarily unique opportunity for networking and collaboration. The planning by EPIC in coordination with groups in Singapore could not have been more meticulous. I heartily look forward to being an EPIC delegate to many other parts of the world." said Mark Lutkowitz, Principal at fibeReality.

Future plans include delegations to South Africa, Brazil, China, Israel (26 February – 1 March 2017) specific regions in USA such as Florida, Québec, and also some European outreaches to Vilnius, Barcelona, Berlin, … If you would like to engage with an active network of photonics leaders, consider becoming member of EPIC. www.epic-assoc.com

VIEW PICTURES on https://www.flickr.com/photos/epic-photonics/albums/72157679104645875

DOWNLOAD 27 PRESENTATIONS from: https://we.tl/uc6lXLNglH 

ABOUT EPIC: EPIC is the industry association that promotes the sustainable development of organisations working in the field of photonics. We foster a vibrant photonics ecosystem by maintaining a strong network and acting as a catalyst and facilitator for technological and commercial advancement. EPIC publishes market and technology reports, organizes technical workshops and B2B roundtables, international delegations, engages in advocacy and lobbying, European funded projects, finance and investment, education and training activities, standards and roadmaps, pavilions at exhibitions. www.epic-assoc.com

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