POET Technologies Inc.

in response to fairchijisback's message

The company has attracted many industry heavy weights dating all the way back o 2013 with Adam Chowaniec.  


And yet here we are in 2017 and they have come and gone and our SP is exactly the same but with 2x as many shares.  It is not enough to say "But look at all the talent" and "they must have had a reason for coming" without also acknowleging that they have not monetized anything and some have left, selling their options when they go to boot.  These are the things that are legitimatly concerning to many longs.  Then you have consistently missing much touted technical milestones, Ridiculous amounts of Dilution, Constant refocus/restructure, and the most recent kick in the teeth with the New Comunication Policy.  


When you add all these things up it is very easy to see why people are pissed and losing faith.  The reason I have held on so long is I do beleive that Poet has a solution to a very big problem in the IC world.  The tech is what keeps me going.  However, I am starting to feel like we as retail will never reap the benefits of the reward, as it will be diluted away or given to whatever next group of Tech Wizards comes knocking.  We don't even know what options grants the new employees are to recaive and at what price?  Millions of shares being handed out to people who didn't even know what Poet was when I scraped together my first order, and for less than I paid for mine.


This is why I think it is time that Poet have and Investor Advocate on the BOD.  Its easy to see that while these guys may be great at building future technology, they are horrible at taking current shareholders into account.  And I know there are some substantial holders on this board who feel the same way.  There is a way under Canadian securities law to call a special meeting, and force a vote to add a BOD member.  And I believe it can be done in such a way that management cant vote.  Is that what I want to do?  No Way!  I think that would put more division between shareholders and Management.  I would like for these intellegent people to realize this is something they need to do and do it all by themselves.  So I am going to draft a request to IR to bring this to managment.  Don't think anything will come of it but it would do a lot to alleviate some of the conspiracy theories.



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