POET Technologies Inc.

Dont assume we will get a technical or operations update on the 28th. 

As per the IBK call on Oct 14th we were told twice that we would have an "earnings call". This has now changed to a news release. 

What this news release will contain is anyone's guess but certainly no can say we have a clearly defined list of items that will be addressed. 

If you have expectations for the 28th I would suggest you let IR know what they are  and not wait until the 29th to complain in this forum  

We deserve a clarifying update as to why the $10m was required, what's the plan to alleviate the wafer bottleneck, what the status of the vcsel and aoc are, what happened to the $1m spent at BAE, what the products in 2nd half 2016 are, what is the trab doing, an update on the ASTAR collaboration , what has happened with the detector in the last 6 months, what is the luxmux deal, how much cash we have and how long it will last at the current burn , has DenseLight been upgraded, where are the partners,NRE,products?

I have emailed IR and called them on this. I have let them know clearly and directly what my expectations are. Posting on an internet chat room will not get answers. 

If we are going to complain on the 29th at least make sure that you have told the company what you want to be informed about. Tell them what you want to hear on the 28th. They may not answer but if enough people ask asking the same questions then maybe they will. Nothing lost if you do, nothing gained if you don't. 

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