POET Technologies Inc.

Re: ceo
almost 8 years ago
in response to KGBINC's message

Ajit won't even acknowledge that he is even associated with POET

That is not true. We have heard him speak about POET.

If you are making reference to the credentials listed for the presidential committee would you really expect Ajit to show up on that list as the chair of POET Technologies? That is a short list of experts that have been chosen based on their qualifications to report to the highest level of the US government. He is on that list because he had such a distinguished career with Global Foundries.

Wake posted this link yesterday that really is a must read for people invested in POET. There is really good information there. He got 3 thumbs up? The majority of people appear to be too busy complaining to read up to date information about the industry that POET is in. The fact that Ajit remains on this committee is a testament to his relevance as a leading authority. I would suggest that people spend some time to read this and check out the links. It is good stuff.

In a sign of the importance the administration gives the issues, it appointed a top White House technology advisor and PCAST chair John Holdren to co-chair the work group along with former Intel chief executive Paul Otellini. Other members of the group include:

  • Wes Bush, CEO of Northrop Grumman
  • John Hennessy, President Emeritus of Stanford
  • Paul Jacobs, Executive Chairman of Qualcomm
  • Ajit Manocha, former CEO of GlobalFoundries
  • Craig Mundie, a former senior advisor to Microsoft
  • Mike Splinter, former CEO of Applied Materials
  • Laura Tyson, a professor at UC Berkeley and NEC Director


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