POET Technologies Inc.

SteveWilson said,

'I brought up Eilean and the fact that he/she was a complete pumper and was completely lying to this board and this board attacked me and threatened that I was going to get sued for defamation? Ruining his/her good name?

Anyone rereading what Steve wrote in his original 'Eileen' rant would agree that it ranks highly as amongst the most vitriolic and offensive character assassination publically made on another person on this board My view remains it was against Agorcaom rules, yet it went unpunished, Steve Wilson got away with it.

At the time I advised Steve to withdraw his comments and apologise publically to mitigate the offence of defamation, he refused. However, my principle reason for doing so was as a general point which was intended to illustrate to the wider readership here of the dangers that aninappropriate choice of words could have when used within a public forum. Having in my past personal experience of having to deal with the effects of such legal carnage breaking out in a charitable interest group of which I am a Trustee. I felt he was getting good advice for free - not so he!

It would seem that Steve considers my good intentions to avoid his ruin as being attacked and threatened by me. By gathering the comments of Turr, Baba and Junkers as support for his original defamatory post, when I am feel that was not the point of their posts. He is effectively encouraging others to gang up on Eileen Teahon, who having withdrawn from this board is entitled to peace but she yet again has become an easy target for Steve's defamatory remarks as she is not here to defend herself from his ungentlemanly conduct.

The theme was taken up to some extent by Junkers recently by publishing a 'cherry picked' Eileen post to reflect on her way-out prediction of NASDAQ listing amongst other matters last year. But, unlike Steve, Junkers put forward some actual evidence for his views whereas Steve's post had been a 'mind dump' of emotive vitriol, containing whatever nastiness that popped into his head during his rant.

Setting aside Eileen's record on predictions, which were always dressed as her opinion to my mind, dots not reality, such cherry picking is designed to distract readers from the significant body of reference materiel that Eileen provided here and her general method of throwing matters 'out there' for readers to make up their own mind about, which I personally found was very useful, although I was always rather overwhelmed by the amazing volume of materiel she could handle. I too could as easily 'cherry pick' other materiel from Eileen's posts to demonstrate an authentic, intelligent, active, business brain on the POET case and therefore her utility to the general good of this board whether you agree with her method or opinions or not

Lets make no mistake that this 'unique' resource that Eileen's energy represented, was driven away by the offensive behaviour of some of this boards members . She made me aware of some who wrote privately her thus ausing her to depart fed up with of the amount of vitriol she was subjected to both by PM and E Mail. Steve's post is yet another low punch. I ask whether this bully boy behaviour is to be condoned once more?. I ask who really is being attacked here Steve, Eileen, or the need for good behaviour on our forum.

Note carefully that Steve's use of the He/She construct in his post as higlighted above is clearly sexist as Eileen made it quite clear to us who she is using many references to herself as being a widowed wife, mother and grandmother, therefore, by suggesting otherwise in his use of such constructs, Steve is adding now adding to his now prolonged character assassination of Eileen by introducing the notion that she is a non-person. Is this the sort of forum you want?

Lets be clear that this board is a forum that allows members to detect and record facts and to express their opinions. Each opinion is made on the assumption that everyone here is sufficiently intelligent to consider and to weifgh up the value of each others opinion relative to their own judgement of what is POET's investments worth. Eileen, FJ or anyone else for that matter is not responsible for anyone's discomfort here it is their own failure to accept the risks inherent in investing in a Venture Capital firm as their own. Cognative disonance or the blame game whatever you want to call it is behind much of the gloom expressed here. PhilV, being a current example

Eileen was driven away by bullying, and here it is again live and kicking, in SteveWIlson's post. I can live with criticism of my personal views but I will not tolerate the bullying and sexism displayed by Steve going unchecked

Whilst I may feel SteveWilson is a bounder it is BL have to form their own views about who has a voice here not me. I shall withhold mine until I see the value of discipline returned to this board from its much diminished state since FJs disenfranchisement by SH raiders. That onerous, thankless task of keeping bad behaviour in check is much needed soon.



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