POET Technologies Inc.

in response to banshee24's message

just thinking salary cut must be reasonable... its gotta be 15% or a little more otherwise it will be viewed as just a clever spin...thing is Mika would know whats up yet still hopping on board....why..maybe promise of cheap options as they sort out next 12 months but just maybe he has been tasked and will be rewarded with a big ticket work q1-q2 2017....i would think his hiring was part of the capital raise discussion with the bankers suggesting US experience CFO talking their language ...the guy is youthful at 65 with much valued experience but its clear he is here for a purpose over the next 12 months ..

the fact Kevin Barnes stays on means he is doing a good job and they still need Canadian presence ( not sure which comes first and Kevin likely wonders about this too now).

i am disappointed with delays noted as 4 year investor but i remain supportive....i am hoping the sober language is a case of underpromise and overdeliver going forward( that would be my advice strategically after what has occured with PO)

I appreciate Suresh referencing shareholders who have concerns...This was a good move..whether wording came from him or IR does not matter...as our leader he made the decision to communicate these thoughts and I thank him

... pure speculation ....i assume spec buyers are lurking at these low prices ..so i expect new pumpers and bashers will show up on some boards...i thank the hubs here for keeping good vigilance

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