POET Technologies Inc.

in response to LookinGIntoIt's message


At some already pointed out and I'm sorry to say that, but right now, we all have to wait and see if the management cares or not about its long and faithful investors

The first hint that there isn't the respect for "longs" and other investors is this simple statement made " we are looking for platinum investors".

For everyone that invested in Opel/Poet etc that was the initial slap in the face. IMHO

It was the longterm investors whom have supported the company and the technology long before this new "world class mgmt" came to be.

It was our money that supporrted the company. Where did the think that money came from, a genie bottle?

This thing they repeatedly said with much enthusiasim even as late as the Investor Meeting (far from a TownHall meeting) oh we have lots of money thanks to Copetti. Remember the smiles and back slapping and accolades? Enough for ? what was it 6-7 quarters or so? Wasn't that a q or two ago?

Many here believe the technology as do I. What I've long stopped believing is those whom are charged with the responsibility of running a public company.

Those are my opinions only and obviously are not reflected by mgmt.

I will have to agree with those that suggest we may have been on better footing with our previous mgmt team.

From the track we were on ....to the 'Daq, to the super Quantum chip, super RAM aand super phase/lase military et al products ...to a data cable, to buying other entities via (unknown 3rd parties and still no explanation on who the might be) and , and, and a market cap of $170M +/- and within weeks to ? $65M +/- to raise $12M or so dollars.........something does not make sense.

Mgmt has a fuditiary responsibility to seek the best option for investors to make money. Somehow this appears to have been overlooked?

Dare I say I'd rather have a "spudder misalignment" rather than an entire paradoxial shift .



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