POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Heinz44's message

Yup, I totally agree about letting managment "explain".... as in: " 'Splain it to me, Ricky!" from the "I Love LUCY" comedy many years ago. I just hope the current situation with POET turns out to be a comedy as well, not a comedy of errors and not a tragedy. Problem is: they should have done their 'splainin before instead of coming up with the line about concentrating on creating "investor value". I would again agree with you that management certainly owes investors an explanation. Certainly those of us invested heavily in POET have no choice, we have to "explain" the situation to those whom we encouraged to look favorably at investing in POET. At this exact moment in time I, for one, am at a loss to answer the inevitable questions of those many persons who I mentioned POET to in a positive projection and in good faith.

Perhaps you have conquered that obstacle in a sufficient manner as to satisfy anyone you might have recommended POET to as a potential investment. If that is the case then Godspeed. I am still struggling with that issue and since it exposes my own credibility to understandable question from friends and family I am having some difficulty coming to a solution. Do I believe POET may ultimately prosper and achieve a crescendo uplift in Share Value? Yes. That belief is still there, but so are the new "hanging" warrants and the new stock dilution now as well... "EVERHANG"? I am not very good at math, but if my calculations are correct 60 months turns out to be 5 years... at least in Oklahoma, maybe not in Canada? 5 years is a lot of "Overhang" for someone to pick up additional shares at 52 cents Canadian. As someone else has already noted: if that is all the increase expected over the next 5 years in Share Price then this is going to be one slow boat to nowhere for investors. "Just sayin' " OK, so I may have let my emotions get the best of me on this recent "turn of events"... I'll admit that, but only if everyone else invested in POET swears that it is only a little "bump in the road" and that they are not emotionally affected by this small change in the overall trajectory of their investment. Fat chance!


From THM 4 June 2016:

01:28:19 – Q: Regarding past discussions on NRE – you had those slides – obviously there’s sensitivity on details, but is there some confidence, over the next twelve months or so, that perhaps we could see something there that could help with the burn rate and cash flow, that alleviates the need for financing?
01:28:42 – Suresh Venkatesan: We would not have put it on a chart if I didn’t think it was possible. Yes, we are confident that we can close something. And yes, that’s the modeling we are doing financially and that’s what we want to spend the next three months and we are really putting a robust plan together. If the financing does come in, then yeah, we don’t need to go to the capital market for financing, because the NRE can do that for us.
Obviously, POET did "need to go to the capital market for financing" or at least management believed it was necessary. Guess that "robust plan" wasn't all that "robust" after all.
In fairness there are still many positive situations afoot as noted back in August:
Aug. 30, 2016- Outlook for Second Half of 2016
POET expects revenue in the second half of 2016 to exceed $2,000,000, driven primarily by the increased sales of sensor products weighted toward the end of the year. The Company is unlocking the potential of a newly acquired portfolio of products, technology, fab operations, and customer base through investments in growth markets. POET plans to announce several new products in the second half of the year, which is expected to support continued growth into 2017. The Company also expects the DenseLight business unit to reach positive operating cash flow by the first quarter of 2017, helping to fund POET’s future product roadmap.
My genuine hope is that "POET's future product roadmap" has a genuinely more "robust plan" and "robust" result than the Share Price has seen with this most recent dilution and issuing of new warrants. Long time, and I mean "YEARS" investors in POET, are definitely due a more "robust plan" and a more "robust" result. Let's hear it for: "ROBUST"!!!!
From the 16 February 2016 CC:
37:32 Second: POET is on the march. We’re marching towards our first application and our first revenue. We are in active and advanced discussions to expand the POET applications portfolio to include sensing and microdisplay technologies. We’re also in an advanced discussion for an NRE-based multi-phased technology, licensing and transfer agreement with a prospective client.
Fourth: POET is on a very big mission. More and more prospective customers and strategic partners are showing a great deal of interest.They are asking, as we are, to achieve critical proof points in a commercial environment.
So, bottom line, POET went from "on the March" in February of 2016 all the way to Suresh's"robust plan" in June 2016. Here we are nearly 4 months later and the March and robust plan have transmogrified into 36 cents Canadian a share stock dilution and 5 year out (that is 2021 for those of you from Oklahoma) warrants at 52 cents a share Canadian.
For those of you from Oklahoma who haven't checked the POETF price today, before trading was halted, it was 25 cents a Share USD... that translates into 25 cents a share in Oklahoma, pardner! Too bad if you bought in at $1 plus or even 50 cents a share Oklahoma money. Not so "robust" for you... but don't despair cuz neighbor we are "on the March!".
Then again there is that problem of exactly what will POET and POETF open at on next Monday if POETF was halted at 25 cents a Share " 'Merican" today? Well, let me check my "robust plan".
OK, I feel better... just had to let all that nasty sarcasm come out before Halloween. Just made it with a little time to spare. Okiedo.
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