POET Technologies Inc.

in response to stockguru72's message

This is kind of off topic but because I do think its important for you all to understand how it works I will chime in. There are 2 ways a HL can remove a post.

1) Above every post made by a member who is ranked below VP. There is an option to instantly remove the post just by clicking a button. When this is done, it is annonymous and there is no way to know who did it. However another Hub leader can still Un-Remove the post if they see fit. I try to only use this option if there is Profanity, or personal attacks on other posters or if it is a Spam post. I don't like this option much but it is usefull for things that are obviously wrong and since it can be undone I don't think its that bad.

2) You can report a violation of the post, then go to the manage violations tab and process the violation. You have the option to delete the post this way. In the Manage violation tab when you process the violation there is a record of which hub leader did the processing and what action was taken. When I do that it will send a generic message to the person who reported the violation, and the person who was reported. I typically will add to the Generic message and explain why I took the action I did, but sometimes its obvious and I don't.

So as you can see the second option takes much longer and that is why most people use the first option. Hope this helps to explain the process even if you don't like it, you at least know a bit better how it works.


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