POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Sandman19's message

I don't have much time to comment and there nothing that I can really say to ease tensions or push this along but I want to express my deepest apologies and support to all of the members of this forum. We gave been through a lot together and we have support management, Geoff, and the technology in the face of overwhelming criticism and uncertainty. We have tried to aid the company and assits in their endeavors because of our passion for seeing this dream come alive. We understood the impact this technology could have on the world, the innovation it would excel, and the global impact of decreased demand for energy. We understood that management was best in class to see this vision through. We put large sums of money into a research and development company because of the accomplishment's of the past and the comments from management. I have given presentations on the bounds of poets technology because I truly believe.

I feel clobbered at this point in time, I feel that I am responsible for negatively impacting the lives of many of my close associates, family members, and friends. I feel naive and I feel that management does not have to play it's cards like this. I had great hope that this management would drive the technology towards greener pastures with shareholders in tow. What is the point of doing anything if you are not benefiting those in your purview?

The hardest thing I have ever had to do was look my fiance in the eye and tell her what happened yesterday. After trying to reman positive with all of the twists and turns over the past 3 years. Everyday for the last 3 years I have held on to hope that tomorrow we would begin being recognized and our dreams to fruition. I have watched my investment plunge drastically 3 times over and strategies flip flop multiple times too. I took it on the chin and remind smiling. My fiance, my poor fiance has rode this wave with me and I feel like I let her down big time. Why? Because I believed in this company. Why must I be punished for that? I hope management realizes that we are part of this team and how hard it has been to ride the waves on the ship. We're human, we're good people, we'll some of us, and there's no point to any of this if your not improving the lives of others.

Come on poet, make poet holistically healthy.

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