POET Technologies Inc.

in response to boninvestor's message

I'm probably going to regret this, but...

So here we go again, with forum members turning on each other and on POET like a pack of wolves just because management didn't give them instant gratification. They said they intended to schedule a call early in the fourth quarter, we're only seven days into a three month period, and once again the haters are hatin'. Yes yes, I know, some of us have been around for years so the frustration has been building for a long time, but that's beside the point. Frankly, I won't consider POET "late" until the end of October or early November, because the first third of a three month period is still "early" in the quarter.

But that's not what this post is about - it's about how tired I am of all the "management needs to do this" and "management needs to do that" to "satisfy the market" nonsense. You know what? Management doesn't need to do SQUAT to satisfy "the market", or you, or me, because that is not the business management is in. Management does not care about the stock price, because that is not the business management is in. Management does not need to put out news releases because that is not the business management is in. Management does not need to announce customers or revenue because, believe it or not, that is not the business management is in!

So what business is management in? They are focused on creating a viable product so they can get into the business of being a profitable concern. Until they have one POET is not making money. Until they have one there is no growth in the stock price. Until they have one they couldn't care less which exchange they're traded on. Until they have one they are not putting out news releases, because they have nothing to say. If they cared about the stock price then regular and substantial updates would be necessary, but like I said, THEY DON'T CARE because raising the stock price is simply not their job right now.

Why the lack of insider buys? It's not because management isn't confident, they simply don't feel a need to demonstrate that confidence because they don't care about the stock price or the market. It's because management knows that when they have completed their sole task of creating a viable product the value of the cheap options they hold will rise, but until then they are content to sit underwater and focus on executing their strategy. That strategy is to make at least one viable product to sell, but we investors should never forget that AOCs are only the tip of the iceberg. Never forget that management does not intend for these first few products to be what makes their (and our) fortunes, it intends for these products to demonstrate the potential of the POET platform to the world so that PTI can use GaAs to revolutionize integrated circuits the way silicon did in the 1960s!

I love to hear from Rainer and FJ and Sula and others who can provide technical analysis of what POET tells us from time to time, and for their cool-headed rational approach to this stock, but even FJ just said "management needs to blah blah", as if management actually cared about "the market" or will take directions from anyone on this board. It doesn't, and it won't. The wolf pack needs to back off, chill out, and let management do its job, remembering that right now that job is NOT raising the stock price to satisfy the frustrated investors on this forum! For the record I own between 20-30k shares, the first of which I bought several years ago at about $1.40 US. I too am way under water and holding my breath, and while I too would very much like some news, I'm not for one second going to pretend that I know how to run PTI better than the people currently at its helm. They have skills and experience that none of us have, they have insider knowledge that none of us have, and they have millions of options that can make them filthy rich on successful execution. So sit back, shut up, and enjoy the ride!

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